Jane is fast asleep in my arms round two wore her out. I have to give her credit it did take her longer to beg than last time but at the end she finally gave in. I acted like such a dick to her thanks to Mark. I can't believe I let him get to me. Today out of all the days when she needed me the most I acted like the biggest asshole. I kind of wish Mark would of kicked my ass for it. "I'm sorry baby" I say even if she is sleeping I still want her to know I'm sorry. If it was up to me I would stay with her in bed the whole flight but I feel bad for Logan who is probably bored out his ass. I slowly lift her head off my shoulder and roll away from her.

She looks like a sex goddess laying naked with the sheets wrap around her and her wild red hair everywhere. I'm one lucky bastard to have her in my life. I reach for my cloths and get dress. My knuckles still hurt from hitting Mark they are actually swollen with dried blood on them.

"About damn time I thought I was going to have to kick the door down" Logan tease as soon as I stepped out. I don't mind him teasing me I'm used to it I just hope he doesn't tease Jane. "Shut the fuck up" I walk over to the mini bar. I grab a cup with ice and pour out some scotch I can't believe there is a mini bar in here. Now that my head is clear I can actually take everything in. The jet has a big flat TV hanging from the middle of the ceiling, the seats are made of leather and they are big enough for two people to sit in or you can pull them out, and they are spread apart from each other giving everyone their own space, and to top it off there is a small fridge in the right corner. "Shit if I had a jet like this I would live in it" Logan says as he pulls out his seat. I walk over to the seat across from him "You would have to I don't think you would be able to afford to rent a place". I can just imagine how much this jet coast it would take me a life time and another to be able to afford this. It really opens my eyes. I knew Jane came from money but this is ridiculous.

"So how is Jane doing? She was a mess" he says making me feel worst. The fact that he ask about her before asking about me tells me that he considers her part of the family already. I take a sip of my scotch and enjoy the burning sensation as it goes down my throat. "She is sleeping right now" I answer. Hopefully she is in a better mood when she wakes up. "Good," he nods "sucks that she couldn't say bye to her family" he adds.

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