"He is just mad right now just give him some time to cool off" Logan says as he rubs my back. Even tho all he is trying to do is calm me down I feel more pissed off. Gabe should be the one cooing me not him. I'm on this damn plane because I choice him over my family. He wants me to act like an adult fine I'll give him an adult. I clean my nose on the back of my hand and wipe my face "Where is he?" I ask. "I don't think it's a good idea for you to go talk to him right now," Logan starts to say. I don't give a fuck if he isn't in the mood to talk right now I am. "Where is he?" I ask again more aggressively. "In the back room" he motions with his head. "Thank you" I say as I walk away.

Logan shakes his head "Not a good idea" he says so low I can barley hear it. He is right it's not a good idea if I wasn't so heated I would of given him time to calm down but that's not the case. I open the door which leads me into a small bed room. I find Gabe sitting on the edge of the bed with his head resting on his hand.

All I want to do is throw myself around him but instead I close the door and lean into it for support. I feel so nervous not because I'm scare of him. I know he'll never hurt me. Where the hell did brave Jane go? What a fucking traitor she left me to deal with this on my own. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask breaking the silence. I know I fucked up but he is making it worst with the way he is acting. "Now you want to fucking talk" he says sarcastically never lifting his head up. That's the last straw. "I know I fucked up by not telling you what happen with Mark. Just so you know I was going to tell you but I was waiting to tell you in person not over the phone because I knew how you were going to react. I'm sorry I really am but I swear it didn't mean anything to me".

That's all I'm going to apologizes for, now it's his turn. He tugs on his hair as he sits in complete silence. I'm so close to walking over there and tugging on his hair so he can look at me but I won't cross that boundary no matter how mad I am. If he wants to act like a little big brat than that's on him I did my part. "You know what Gabe go fuck yourself" I say as I turn around to leave.

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