"I didn't fucking kiss you! You kissed me and I pushed you away. I fucking told you that I love Gabe over and over again" Jane comes around Logan exposing herself pissing me off even more. Raul flinches from besides Mark "Give me a fucking reason to blow your fucking head off asshole" Logan says as he pulls Jane behind him. "Enough talking come on let's go Jane" Mark says pointing at me. "I'll make you a deal fight me and if you win you can take her" I say. Killing him will be to easy I want him to suffer as much or more than what I did. I need to get rid of all this anger and he is the perfect target.

"Excuse me? I'm not a fucking toy you can just fucking fight over" I hear Jane say from behind Logan. I don't have time to deal with her right now. "Fine," Mark walks over to Raul "if any of them moves shoot them on the spot". I turn to give my gun to Logan who just smiles at me. He knows as well as I do that Mark has zero chance in taking me down. "Gabe don't do this," Jane reaches for my arm but I shrug her away. I'm pissed off that she didn't tell me about Mark kissing her. I take off my jacket and hand it over to Logan., "Please don't do this," Jane pleads with tears in her eyes it kills me to see her like this no matter how mad I am. I lean in and wipe away a tear that is rolling down her cheek "Don't worry everything will be fine". She shakes her head "Please".

"Are we going to dance or what?" Mark yells. "I'll be back" I turn to walk away. "Gabe no," Jane tries pulling me but Logan steps between us holding her back. I crack my knuckles as I walk towards the middle to meet Mark. I'm going to kill him for touching Jane. I usually don't street fight it's not fare for my opponent but Mark deserve everything that is coming his way. "Let's see what pretty boy got" Raul says behind Mark.

I shift all my weight from one leg to another as my hands are in front of me waiting for him to strike first. He swings his right hand and I sway to the left dodging his hit. He leaves his face wide open and I take the advantage to hit him right in the jaw. I hit him so hard my knuckles crack all over again. Fuck! That felt good. "Nice hit" he moves to his jaw from side to side as he spits blood. "Stop it!" Jane yells from behind me. "Don't fucking move Jane I'll shoot you" Raul warns her. How dare he point his gun at my girl? After I'm done with this fuck face I'm going after him. I turn to Jane "Stay back" I growl. Logan has his arm around her waist trying to keep her in place while still pointing at Raul. I turn just in time to see Mark charging towards me, like the coward he is, right before he can take me down I lift my knee hitting him right in the solar plexus knocking the wind out of him. I shove him to the side and wait for him to get up. I jump from foot to foot shaking my arms I would love to jump on him but I'm not ready for this fight to end just yet. "Get the fuck up!" Raul yells.

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