"Did you pack everything? I don't want to come back because you forgot your underwear" I ask Logan. He would be the one to leave something behind. I swear he doesn't leave his dick behind because it's stuck to him. We have to be at the airport soon I want to get there before Jane does. I want to check the perimeter out just in case we need to make an escape. I reach for my loaded gun hopefully I don't have to use it but it never hurts to have it with me. "Funny talking about forgetting stuff," Logan say as he leans on the door frame "the other day I was in such a rush to get dressed that by mistake I put on one of your pants instead of mines," he smirks. What's so funny? I don't mind it's not like it's the first time he wears something of mine. "And?" I say as I put on my hostler not seeing the point. "And I must say you have a great taste in underwear," he adds. Okay what the fuck is he talking about? This is weird now even for us. "What the fuck ar-" I stop mid sentence when I see him twirling a pink lace underwear around his finger. No, not just any pink underwear but Jane's. "Give me that" I launch for it but he moves out of my way. "I got to say pink is definite your color" he mocks as he swings the underwear in the air. I'm going to kill him! "Give me that fuck face" I say more aggressively. "Okay only if you try them on I would love to see you in it" he says as he laughs. I take the opportunity to tackle him down to the ground. "Asshole," I punch him on his side as I snatch them away. "Oww" he chuckles as he rubs his ribs. I shove the panties in my pockets and give Logan one last kick "Get up asshole we're leaving in 5 minutes".

"You think this can be a trap?" Logan ask on our way to the airport. "No" I answer honestly. I know that if they wanted us dead we would be by now "it just never hurts to be cautious". He nods his head in agreement if there is any thing we've learn about our job is to always expect the unexpected. Some times the villain turns out to be the victim and vise versa. You can't never be to sure. "I want to thank you again for doing this it really means a lot to me" I thank him once again. I will never get tired of thanking him. He put his life and job on the line for me it takes a real friend no a real brother to do something like that. I don't know how but I will repay him for this. "Don't thank me until we're all back home" he adds. I really hope we all get to go back home together. "Do you have your gun on you" I change the subject before we end up arguing again. "My baby is ready to sing" he taps his side. "Let's rock and roll" I smirk.

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