"One night while your mom was cleaning the house she found my secret stash let's just say she wasn't happy about it. We fought about it every night and day. I promised her that I was going to stop it was only something temporary. I never plan for this to get out of hand this was only suppose to be until I was off my feet but then your mom left us. I had no idea how to raise a baby especially a girl. That's when Nina came in she offer to give me a hand. She would take care of you while I was working. I used to get up at 5 in the morning every day to get you ready, drop you off at Nina's, and go to work. I worked all day until midnight. When I picked you up from Nina's you would be sleeping. So basically you were always sleeping when I was with you. You were growing up so fast and I was missing everything. I was so busy working that I didn't even get to enjoy you. That's when I decided to quit my jobs so I could spend time with you. I didn't want you to grow up with out a mom and a dad. That's when I started to hustle in the streets. I know that is not a excuse for what I did but that was my way out at the time" he finish.

I don't know what to say. I've always thought my father picked this job because he was power hungry. Turns out that he did all of this for me. "I'm sorry Papi" I apologizes into his lap. If it wasn't for me he would probably had a different life. He could have been the best doctor out there or the best lawyer. I guess we will never know what he could have been. "Look at me Princess," he lifts me from his lap "this isn't your fault I took the easy way out well at least I thought it was the easy way out. We're all responsible for our own actions. You baby girl are choosing the best path for you and don't forget that. I'm so proud of the woman that you are today I guess I did something right after all huh?".

He is proud of me? I can't believe it. I'm shocked due to everything he has shared with me. My heart is so full of love and sorrow for him. I see my father in a different light if only I would of knew all this from the start. Things would have been different. I understand his choices now it must have been hard to be a single father at such a young age and have no support. I fly into his arms wrapping my arms around him "Te amo papi" I lay my head on his shoulder and smell him in. "I love you too Princes" he says back. I've never been so proud to call him my father. "I promise to tell you the whole story when it's time" he pats my back. With what he just shared with me is enough. He has never shared anything with me about his life. "Now go to bed it's been a long day" he gives me a kiss on the head. It has been a long day filled with lots of surprises. "Breakfast tomorrow?" I say as I stand.

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