"See you soon" I say as I pull back. She runs her hand through my hair every time she does that I feel like a dog who's getting rub behind his ear "Very soon" she smiles. "In five days" I say to make sure she is still on board. "Okay" she gives me a small peck on the lips. "Okay" I return the peck but I don't unwrap my arm from around her. I don't want her to leave just yet. I sound like such a girl. I swear if the old me was here right now he would kick my ass for being such a wuss. She tries pulling away but I don't budge "Babe it's getting late" she sounds annoy but her eyes gives her away.

One thing I love about her is that I can always read the mood she is in just by looking in her eyes. "I don't want to" I pout like a little kid who doesn't want to take a shower. "I know babe but it's only 5 days and than you're going to get tired of having me around" she jokes. I will never get tired of having her around if anything she'll be the one that gets tired of me. "I'm looking forward to that" I pull her in for one last kiss. I kiss her so hard that she will be feeling my lips on hers for the rest of the week. "Wow" she says out of breath. "Yeah I know" I give her my best smirk. "Asshole" she back hand slaps my chest. "Okay we need to go" Sam jumps in looking a little impatience to leave. I wonder why she is in such a hurry? "Coming" Jane rolls her eyes at her. I run my hand up her back and I feel her shiver under my touch "Not yet but you will soon" I say. My cock is ready to come out and show her what he can do. She feels so good in my arms I don't know if I can let her leave. "Five days" she whispers. I don't know if she is trying to remind me or herself. "Five days" I repeat as I kiss her forehead. She pulls away and this time I let her.

Sammy walks over to me as Jane walks over to Logan. "It was really nice meeting you Gabe," her smile drops "take care of my girl if you hurt her in anyway I will come down and kick your ass and I don't care if you're a cop" she waits for my reaction. Funny enough I have nothing to say to her. I like her she is so sassy. There is so much of Jane in here and I don't even think they know it. "It was a pleasure meeting you as well and I promise to keep her safe from everything" I extend my hand to shake hers. "I know you will but don't forget to protect her heart the most" she shakes my hand and when she turns to walk away I tighten my hold on her hand. She turns towards me with with a what the hell are you doing look? "Sammy if you change your mind about moving to New York or even if you need something like some to talk to or some one to come rescue you, you can count on me". I know that she would love to come with us to New York but there is something holding her back. Her eyes start to get watery but she quickly recovers her posture. I have to stop myself from smiling she is just like Jane. They are two stubborn as women. "Thank you I'll keep that in mind" she takes me by surprises when she pulls me in for a hug. I hope she changes her mind she deserve so much better than all of this. Under her bad ass mask there is a sweet and loving girl.

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