"Oh god are they always like this?" Sam ask Logan. "All the damn time" Logan answers shaking his head. I forgot they were even here. "Sorry" Jane tries pulling away from me but I don't let her. One because I want her close to me and two because I need her to cover up the tent I have in my shorts. "Nice to meet you" Sammy extends her hand towards Logan who brings it up to his mouth "The pleasure is all mine" he winks as he brings his lips down on her. I can't help but to chuckle at Logan for acting like a gentleman. "Are all the women in your family as beautiful as you two?" he smirks. Jane let's out a small laugh while Sammy blushes "Well since we are the only women left in our family the answer would be yes". I lean down and kiss Jane on the side of her neck she smells so good. "Do you want to go for a walk?" she ask. I thought she would never ask "Hell yeah". She smiles and looks at Sam "We're going for a walk we'll be back". I'm so thankful she didn't invited them. "Okay remember having sex on the beach is illegal" Sam says with a smirk on her face. Jane shakes her head and tugs on my hand "Shut up brat". Sammy and Logan both bust out laughing and I'm trying my best not to join them.

"You look beautiful" I tuck her under my arm where she fits perfectly. "Even with this big as hat?" she smiles up at me. "Especially with that big as hat" I tap it to the side to get a better view of her. She wraps her small arm around my waist and I feel on top of the world having her next to me. "I've missed you" she say as we walk. "I've missed you too" I kiss the top of her hat. The sand underneath our feet is warm and soft. Every step we take we leave our footprints behind until the water comes in and washes them away. If only life could be that easy and we could erase all the mistakes we have made just by throwing water on them. On the other hand if we don't make mistakes than how would we learn? Thanks to all the mistakes I've made with girls I know how to appreciate Jane. I feel Jane stop besides me and I turn to face her "Is everything alright?". She takes off her hat and lifts her head "Yeah". I wrap her hair around my finger as I play with it I love this look on her. She looks beautiful with out even trying. "You're so beautiful" I say out loud.

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