"Trust me" is all I say.

"Okay see you in exactly 29 minutes with 59 seconds". Leave it up to him to count the minutes and seconds.

"Okay crazy beautiful man see you in 28 minutes" I hang up.

I skip to my closet, yeah I said skipped like some kind of 5 years old, to look for something to wear. It takes me 10 minutes to get ready. I decided to wear a white long sundress that hugs my every curve, my hair is tie into a side pony tail, and white flip flops. I reach for my black sun hat which is bigger than life. "Okay Princess we don't have all day" Sam walks in wearing a short blue dress. "Wow you look like a movie star" she adds. "Do you think I should change?" maybe the hat is to much. "Na I love it" she interlocks her arm around mines "now let's go we have a date". I smile and let her lead the way.

"Hey Princess" my dad greets me as we walk by the living room. "Hi daddy" I walk towards him to give him a hug it feels so good to have him back. "Where are you lovely ladies going?" he ask after kissing my forehead. "To the beach" I answer. He walks over to Sam and kisses her forehead "Sounds like fun" he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his keys "here take the car and the money". I really don't need the money knowing Gabe like I do he will never let me pay for anything but I take it anyways. "Thank you dad" I give him another hug before leaving. "Aww where is my daddy?" Sam pouts. She is such a daddy girl even worst than I am. "You rang baby girl" my uncle walks in just in time. Was he hiding some where just waiting for her to ask? Sammy runs to hug him "I love you papi" she snuggles into his shirt. "Well me too" he says as he winks at me letting me know he loves me too. I wink back "Okay it's time to go". I let go of my dad and pull on Sam's arm. "Be safe" they both call out after us. They are so much alike it's unbelievable.

"So which car are we taking today?" Sam ask from beside me. I know exactly what car we are taking but she doesn't I smirk to myself as I press the alarm button. "Oh hell to the fucking yes!" she shouts as we get into the lambo. "Promise me you'll be on your best behavior" I don't even know why I bother with her. "Ain't I always?" that's all she says letting me know that we are in big trouble. "God have mercy on me" I pry.

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