Everything around me slows down my ear ear is ringing from being to close to the gun. I see the exact moment when the bullets makes contract with Gabe's skin. Everything feels like I'm in a movie only I'm not this is real. The sound of the gun shots snaps me out of my shock. "No!" I yell as Gabe falls down. I throw my head back hitting Mark right in the nose. "Fuck Jane not again" he lets go of me. I run towards Gabe with my heart in my throat "Oh my god oh my god not you". I fall on my knees beside him and lift his head up to lay it on my lap "You'll be okay baby you have to be okay" my vision gets blurry with tears. Please not him please not him. I cup his face with my shaky hands. "Don't cry baby I don't like to see tears in those amber eyes remember" he reaches up and cleans my face with his bloody hand. I try laughing but it comes out as a snob. Leave it up to him to try to make me feel better when he is the one who got shot. "Shh baby please don't talk" I hush him. He needs to save his energy. I run my hand down his body trying to find where the blood is coming from. When I feel the womb I add pressure to it. I need some thing to help me stop him from bleeding. I look around the room but there is nothing . "Ugh!" he moans and places his hand over mine. "It's okay baby you'll be okay just put pressure on it" I press his head to my stomach. He has to be okay god can't be this cruel to me. "Baby," it's getting harder for him to breath "I'm sorry I let you down". I stroke his face "No you didn't let me down" I cry. I'm the one who let him down. This is all my fault. His eyes start to close "No," I say with a firm voice "Gabe open your eyes right now! Stay with me" I sob as I rock him. I can't lose him please not him. Take me instead please take me. He opens them and I notice that they aren't the same green eyes that draw me in the first time I saw them. Instead they are darker and the fire that once were in them is starting to die down. I feel like some one is crushing my heart with their bare hands. My chest hurts so much all I want is to rip it open. I can't even breath right. "Gabe I'm so sorry this all my fault please forgive me" I cry out. Deep down I always knew I was going to end up hurting him. I knew it was a bad idea before it even started. I should of listen to my instinct. I drop my head on his chest and sob. This can't be the end of him he doesn't deserve this. Not him not my Gabe. I press my ear over his heart trying to hear his heart beat. It's still there it's weak but still there. I hear him gasp for air "Run Muffin" he whisper into my ear. I shake my head there is now way I'm leaving him. "No" I lean in and give him a kiss. His lips are shaky and cold against mines nothing like the warm lips I'm use to. Oh god I'm losing him and I don't know what to do to keep him with me. He cups my face with his cold bloody hands "Jane I will always love you" he smiles. I close my eyes and lean into his hand "Don't leave me". The moment I feel his hand drop I know it's over. "Gabe" I whisper as I open my eyes I'm no longer staring into my favorite green eyes. "No!" I feel the scream ripping threw my throat. "Baby please" I wrap my arms around his neck and start weeping. Don't leave me please I can't do this with out you. Please wake up! "Please Gabe don't leave me not you please" I kiss his lips and are even colder than before. "What about our babies? You know the one with the amber eyes?" I place my face on the side of his neck to smell him. "Please not you please not you" I chant over and over again. His chest stops moving and he is stiff as a board. The little hope I was holding onto leaves me with my heart completely broken. He is gone. There is nothing I can do. I just watch him die in my arms. I lay right next to him I put my head on his chest and wrap my arm around him "Please wake up" I whisper just for him to he. What am I going to do now? I can't live with out him. I don't want to live without him. "Come on enough" Mark tries to pull me up but I refuse to move. I tighten my hold on Gabe there is no way I am leaving him. I don't care if he shoots me I have nothing to live for anyways. The only thing that meant something to me just died in my arms and with him he took my heart. He aims at Gabe's head "NOW!". I can't let him do more damage to Gabe. He looks so peaceful if I didn't know any better I would say he was sleeping. I lean down and give him our last kiss "I will always love you". My tears fall on to his face and I brush them off. He looks like a beautiful angle. I carefully lay him down on the ground. Mark yanks me up and I lose it. "You fucking kill him you fucking bastard!" I push him off me. "Jane pl-" I punch him in the face before he can even finish. I'm so angry that I might just kill him with my bare hands. I push him and he stumbles back "I fucking hate you!". I hear foot steps getting closer to us "You two over there and you come with me" I hear some one. Who ever it is they are close maybe they can help me. "Over here!" I yell as I spin around. "Sorry I didn't want to hurt you" Mark says before everything goes black.

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