I can't control it no more I drop to my knees and break down. Everything hits me at once Mark being a traitor, never seeing Sophia again, my father being capture or worse dead, no more Sammy or Nina, and no more Gabe. My heart breaks at the thought of never seeing none of them again. I bring my knees up to my face and cry. "Jane!" Mark yells from the other side of the door. "Open that fucking door now" he commands. By the time he comes in I'm hysterically crying. I can't breath from my nose because it's stuffed up and I'm gasping for air like if I was drowning. "What the fuck happen?" I hear him ask. "I don't know Sir no one has been inside this room but you" the man answer. "Jane" he says, I lift my head up and see him walking towards me. "No" I stand and run to hit him "this is all your fault!". I need some one to blame. I need a way to get rid of all this anger. I punch him on his chest as I shove him into the wall. "I fucking hate you!" I yell as I punch him. He grabs my wrists to stop me from hitting him "Let me go!". I pull back trying to fight his hold. I starts kicking and punching he lets go of my wrist. Only to wrap his arms around my upper arms he is holding me so tight that I give in. I rest my head on his chest "W-why?" I cry. Why is this happening to me? He strokes my hair "Shh Jane everything will be fine" he tries calming me down. All I feel is anger. I'm angry because he is acting like he cares for me. I'm angry because I'm letting him comfort me after everything he did. I bring my hands in between us and push him off me "You can't serve the devil and god too". I clean my nose on the back of my hand. He steps forward "NO! Leave me alone" I back away until my back hits the wall. "NOW!" I yell. He nods his head and walks away. I slide down the wall and bring my knees up to my chest as I start rocking back and forth. Mommy please give me strength I beg. I don't think I am going to survive this. This pain is to much for me to deal with. I lay down on the floor as I beg for the darkness. The sound of people running around wakes me up "Fuck they found us" I hear some one shout. I hop on my feet and run to the door "Help me! I'm in here!" I bang on the door. I don't know who is here but maybe they can save me. "The feds are here everyone get ready to fire" I hear Pac man. The feds are here? How did they get here? Maybe Gabe or Logan call them. My hearts starts to race at the thought of Gabe getting help. The door flies open and Mark grabs me "Let's go move it cover us" he says to the rest. Everyone is armed and ready to fire. "Over here Lieutenant " the cop yells and they open fire. I cover my ears and the shots get louder and louder. I have to find a way to free myself from Mark and make a run for it. This is the moment I was waiting for. "Get down" Mark commands and I drop down to my knees. He lets go of me and I take that chance to crawl away. I cover my head with my arms and crawl. "Jane get your ass over here!" Mark yells but I don't stop. There is no way I'm going back this is what I was waiting for. Once I was away from the war zone I stand up and start running. I run down some stairs and search for a way out. I can't open all of these doors I don't have time for it. Maybe if I run all the way down the hallway I can find something. "Stop right there Jane I don't want to shoot you but I will" Mark yells from behind me. Fuck I was so close. I stop in the middle of the hallway and throw my hands up in the air as I slowly turn around to face him. "Good now come to me and I'll get us out" he motions me to walk towards him with the gun. I don't know what to do should I go to him or should I run? At least if I run I know what's coming but if I go with him I have no idea. Just when I was going to run for it a voice behinds me yells "Freeze". Thank god it's a cop I'm safe. I drop my hands "Don't move Jane" Mark says. I don't know if Mark will really shoot me but I don't want to risk it. "Put the gun down now!" the officer yells. The officer voice makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. There is something about that voice that makes me feel safe. "All clear Lieutenant" a voice comes threw the radio. I take a step backwards and Mark makes a shot in the air I jump at the sound "One more step and I'll shoot you Jane don't test me" Mark growls. "Drop the gun now!" the cop yells. That voice why does it sound so familiar? I want to turn around and run towards the officer but my legs are glue to the floor. I have so much fear in me that it is paralyzing me. "Lieutenant Smith what is your location?". What? My heart sinks into my stomach. I turn around to face the officer but he is cover from head to toe but I can recognize those green eyes anywhere. My mind must be playing games with me. "Gabe?" I choke out. Tears start building up and I feel my knees go weak. I feel Mark's arm around my waist and he place the gun on my temple "Nice for you to join us Gabriel" Mark tease. No it can't be him I shake my head. "Take off your mask" Mark barks and I flinch. "See Jane I'm not the only one who has been lying around here" he whisper into my ear. I'm to focus on the man in front of me to even pay attention to him. "Take it off now!" he yells. The man slowly starts removing his mask and once it's fully off my stomach turns. I'm staring at Gabe. My Gabe. What the hell is going on? Gabe is a cop did he know who I was this whole time? Was I another job? That thought is unbearable so I push out my mind. "Bingo!" Marks laughs "Jane is my pleasure to introduce you to Lieutenant Gabriel Smith". I'm lost for words. Why didn't he tell me? My vision gets blurry as they fill with tears. "Muffin," Gabe's voice comes out soft. "Oh shut the fuck up with all this Muffin shit" he press the gun against my head. My body and mind are numb. I can't move or think all I want to do is die. "Baby snap out of it. It's me Gabe" he points the gun at Mark. I can't talk I don't even know what to say right now. I'm in complete shock. "Aww baby that's cute" Mark pins me closer to him "I am going to tell you what's going to happen next. Jane and I are going to walk away and you Gabe are going to let us go" he says.

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