"Gabe please don't stop keep going" I hear Logan moan and I laugh. "Muffin I have to go and kick Logan's ass".

"I love you too Jane" Logan shouts from the back. I laugh "Love you baby go kick his ass". We just met earlier today but he is already teasing me like I brother. I dial Mark's number to inform him that I will not be coming into work. "Please Jane I have a huge order and I need help" Mark begs. I don't want to go to work but I feel bad for not helping him. He has help me out so many times and this is the first time he asking me for something. "Fine you owe me one" I take pity on the poor man. "Thank you so much" he hangs up before I have time to change my mind. I roll out the bed and hit the shower. Since I didn't have no intention of working today I didn't bring my uniform. I walk to Gabe's drawer and look for a plain black shirt at least it's the same color as my uniform. I top it off with some dark jeans thankfully I have cloths here. As I walk to the bus station I take out my phone to call Sophia.

"Hellow" she answers extra happy.

"Did Mark call you into work?" I ask.

"He called but I didn't answer," smart girl I should of ignore his call "you answered didn't you?".

"Yes" I say as I get on the bus.

"Jane!," she growls "You was suppose to come home and give me the details of what happen yesterday well maybe not all because that would be disturbing but you know what I mean".

"I know I'm sorry but Gabe went into work and that's why I

agree to come in" I feel bad because I had no intention of going back home to Sophia.

"Of course he did" she says annoyed.

"All I can tell you is that the hills come alive in the sound of music" I giggle as I quote Mary Poppins.

"Ha!" she laughs "Who is Marry Poppins now? Okay you have to give me the 411 but keep the gross details to your self".

"Okay I will when I get home" I get off the bus and start walking to hell. "Bye Marry" she hangs up.

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