He walks towards his bed and lays me down. The butterflies in my stomach are having a dance off. He brushes my cheek with his thumb and stares into my eyes "I love you". I stare back "I love you too". He slowly comes in for a kiss but he quickly pulls away. I pout missing his lips on mine. He kiss the corner of my mouth and I hold in my breath. He kisses the other corner and then moves to my cheek. I feel his eyelashes brushing against my skin and sends chills through out my body. He moves up and nibbles on my earlobe and my body brakes out in to goosebumps all over. Each and every time he does that my body reacts the same. He runs his nose down my neck "Mmm" he hums. I'm completely paralyze just waiting for his next move. He licks the side of my neck and then blows on it. I feel a tingle down my spine that makes me shiver. He stares at me "You can stop me at any moment". Is he kidding me right now. "Okay" I pin him back to me because I have no intention of stopping him. I suck on his lip while I stroke his back. I tilt my head as he start kissing the side of my neck all the way to my shoulder. As he kisses my shoulder he peels the dress off. He repeats the same process on the other shoulder. My nipples go hard crying out for his attention. I want his hands and mouth on them. He pulls down the dress and my breast spill all over the place. "Just how I remember them" he cups my breast. I moan as I arch my body towards his. He squeeze my boobs together and runs his tongue in between them. I bite down on my lip trying to keep my moan in. He looks up threw his eyelashes and winks. Oh he is enjoying this. He licks around my areola and the anticipation of his mouth on my nipple is arousing me even more. I feel his warm breath on my nipple and just when I think I can't take any more I feel his tongue caressing my nipple. I throw my head back as I moan out of stratification. He takes my breast into his mouth and starts sucking on it. I grab a handful of his sheets as my body moves underneath him. Oh god who would of thought that having your boob suck would turn me on so much. He moves his tongue around my nipple and I tug on his hair to keep him in place. He cups the other breast and gently rubs my nipple between his thumb and index finger. I have never been so turn on in my life. I cry out moving my hips as he tortures my nipples. I feel so wet I just hope I don't wet the sheets. My center is being for attention but I don't know what to do. He lets go of my breast and moves on to the other one. I pull him up to me because I need to feel his mouth on mines. The kiss comes out needy just like I feel. I push him off. "What's wrong?" he ask. "Take your shirt off now" I say breathless. I need to feel his skin. He slowly start to unbutton his shirt as his eyes roam all over my body. He is going to slow for my liking I sit up and rip his shirt off. All his buttons go flying every where. "I thought Tarzan was the wild one not Jane" he mocks. I push his shirt over his shoulder and run my hands through his muscles. His skin is so soft but his muscles are so tight. God I will never get tired of seeing his bare body. I run my tongue across his tattoo and I feel him go stiff. I pull him down to me and flip him over "Wow there cowgirl". I kiss the side of his neck and move to his Adams apple. I make my way down the middle of his chest until I reach his 6 pack. I kiss every single one of them and then slide my tongue up his ribs and he gasp. I move down and find his perfect V cut. "Now this is fucking sexy" I say as I trace it with my finger. I look up and find his green eyes burning with desire waiting for my next move. I stick out my tongue and lower my head never breaking eye contact. I'm going to lick his V from start to finish. He pulls me up and devours my lips next thing I know I'm on my back again while he pulls off my dress. He takes off my shoes and I bring him back up to me. I try to unbuckle his pants but my shaky hands don't allow me. "Ugh" I let out a growl and Gabe laughs. "I got it. I actually like these pants". He stands up to take them off but leaves his boxers on. He lays back on top of me and he settles in between my legs. "You're fucking beautiful" he rocks into me and I feel his cock poking me it's driving me crazy. "Gabe" I wimp. He strokes my inner thigh with his fingers and it's getting harder for me to breath. "Relax Muffin" he leans in and kisses me. He trace the rim of my underwear and I moan. What is he waiting for? I need him to touch me there. "Can I take them off?" he ask. "Yes" I blurt out. I'm so nervous but I want him no I need him. He gives me a small kiss and then starts leaving a trail of kisses down my body. With each kiss he gives me it gets harder for me to breath. He stops at my belly button and then slowly slides off my underwear. He starts kissing the inside of my thighs and I start to panic. He isn't thinking of doing what I think he is right? Even tho it feels so damn good to have his lips on me down there I don't think I'm ready for all that. As I feel his lips next to my girl I quickly close my legs crushing Gabe's head "Ouch!". He pushes my legs open to release his head. "I'm so sorry" I begin to laugh not because it's funny but because I'm freaking out. "What's wrong?" he slides up tracing my body with his nose. "I don't think I'm ready for that" I wheeze out. "Okay we can do that another time but just to make it clear you have an amazing pink delicious muffin I have ever seen". I blush I don't know if I should thank him or ask him how many other muffins he has seen. I don't want to think about him and other girls. He crash his lips into mines as he push my legs open. I wrap my arms around his neck as he takes my breath away. He brushes my folds with his fingers and I swear I almost die. His rough fingers feel so good. I widen my legs to let him explore me. He runs his finger up and down "You're so wet". I can't even speak right now all I can focus is on the pleasure his fingers are giving me. He slides one finger inside me and I feel little pressure. "Oh god" I cry as I move. Gabe places his thumb on my clit and start drawing small circles. I throw my head back with a long moan as I grab a handful of the sheets. Fuck it feels so good. I don't know if I want to push away from him or get closer. "Mmm so tight" he nibbles on my neck and speeds up his thumbs. My hips start moving on their own to the rhythm of his hand. "Oh god Gabe" my breath increases as something inside me is building up. My toes curls and I squeal "G-Gabe" I cry. I'm losing my mind I feel like I need to explode. "Let it go Muffin" and with that I go over board. My body brakes out into goosebumps, I feel tingles from head to toe, and I feel lighter than I have ever felt. "Oh god" I say as I finally catch my breath. "Nope just Gabe" he kiss my forehead "and that's just a preview of what is coming". He reaches for a condom "Ready?". Hell yeah I'm so ready "Yeah". He pulls down his boxer and his penis springs out. "Holly shit" I blurt out he is big. I don't think I'm as ready as I thought. "Yeah I'm kind of gifted" he shrugs. Kind of? That's a huge gift but it's beautiful just like the rest of him. "It don't bite I swear" he jokes. "Can I pet it?" I raise my eyebrow. He walks towards me and I wrap my hands around him. "Mmm" he moans. I move my hand up and down and he gets harder by the second if that's even possible. "Good boy" I whisper. He feels so good in my hands all I want to do is squeeze him. "Okay that's enough" he pulls back and pushes me back down. "Okay Muffin I'm going to go really slow you have to let me know if I'm hurting you or if you want me to stop" he rolls on the condom. He opens my legs and slides in a finger "Damn all that by playing with my boy?". I blush "What can I say he is a good boy". He settles in between my legs and his tips brushes my fold. Oh god I thought his fingers felt good. He slowly pushes his tip inside me and I feel pressure. Holly shit! I freeze it hurts like a lot. "Breath baby breath" he stops. The fact that his penis is inside me makes me want him even more. "Are you okay?" he ask concerned. "Yes" I brush his hair back. He kisses my palm "Okay". He lift my head and bites on my bottom lip. He runs his tongue inside my mouth and I moan. He push himself inside me and I feel more pain. I cry out into his mouth and he pinches my nipple. I roll my eyes out of pleasure. He pushes a little father and I feel like he is tearing me inside. "I know it hurts Muffin" he whispers into my mouth. Fuck no one ever tells you how much the first time really hurts. I bite down on his lip as he continues to move inside me. Seriously it's like it never ends. I want him to stop but at the same time I need him to keep going. I swear I hear something pop down there and I finally taste blood. I let go of his lip that it's now swollen "I'm sorry". I didn't even realize how hard I was biting him I was concentrate on the pain. "It's okay Muffin" he wipes of the blood "are you okay?". He runs his thumb under my eye. I don't know when it happen but I started to tear. I take in a big breath "Don't move give me a chance to get use to you". He hold my hands and we interlock our fingers "Ready when you are". He leans down and kisses me very gentle so gentle that I feel like crying. He thrust inside of me very slowly and I feel a mix of pain and pleasure. I leave his mouth to gasp for some air. He sucks on my breast as he continues to thrust inside me gentle. I cry out because it feels so good. There is no more pain just pleasure. My hips start moving with his hips "That's it baby rock with me". I wrap my legs around him and we start moving as one. "Oh my god baby" I squeeze his hands. "Faster faster" I beg. My muscles begin to tighten as he moves faster. Our body cover with sweat start sliding against each other. Some thing inside of me starts building up again but I don't know how to reach that point. "Come on Muffin" I feel his hot breath on my ear. The tingly sensation starts back up again. I stop moving and pin him to me as he grinds inside of me poking me right on the spot. I push back as I bring him closer into me. Oh god I think I'm going to pee. "I-I have to use the bathroom". He chuckles "No baby just let it go" he thrust inside of me. I scratch his back as he pushes me over the limit. "Oh my god!" I shout. My body breaks out into goosebumps and I curl my toes as butterflies are release all over my body. This time felt so much better than last time. I start to quiver and I feel him stiffen "Fuck" he growls. He drops his body on top of me "Are you okay?" he ask in between breath. I wipe the sweat of his forehead "More than okay". He lays down on me for a while as I play with his hair. "That was the best gift ever" he says and I laugh "Even better than the tickets?" I ask. "That was an awesome gift but this one was priceless," he pulls out "I'm going to the bathroom" he gives me a quick kiss and walks away. I stare at his bare ass "Pervert" he yells. I can't believe I just lost my virginity. Yeah it was painful as fuck but after the pain was gone it was all pleasure it was mind blowing. It was the best experience and I'm so thankful that I waited so long for the right person and even more glad that the right person turned out to be Gabe. I roll to my side and I feel sore but I like the pain. I feel like I was at the gym all day yesterday. Gabe walks in with a wet towel on his hand. "What's the towel for?" I ask. "To clean you" he pulls back the sheets. I grab the sheets from him "I can do that," I take the towel "turn around". There is no way I am going to let him clean me down there. "Are you kidding me?" he ask annoyed. "Please" I pout. He turns around "You have to get use to me seeing you naked because I'm planning to keep you out of cloths". I clean my self and the warm towel feels great on my sensitive skin. I throw the towel aside "All done". He lays down and wraps me into his arms "Matter of fact that's a new rule in my house. No clothing allow". I snuggle on his chest "Oh really?" I laugh. "Yes starting right now" he kisses my forehead. It's funny how there was a time that him kissing me on my forehead would annoyed me but now it's some thing so normal. "I guess this is a bad time to tell you I invited Liam over for dinner" I try holding in my laughter. "Seriously?" he tilts my head back and I bust out laughing. "No but when he finds out about this rule of yours I have a feeling he is going to drop by unannounced". I can just imagine Liam reaction to seeing Gabe naked. He would probably get a heart attack right there on the spot. "Yeah maybe that's not such a good idea" Gabe smirks.

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