He comes back with two plates of chicken Alfredo and a bottle of red wine. "This look delicious" my mouth gets watery as I see the food. "You look delicious" he puts down our plate. "Thanks" I blush. He pours us some wine and I quickly take a sip to calm my self down. "Good wine" I say. "Wait until you taste the food" he smirks. I taste the food and my eyes roll back. I let out a small moan as I swallow it. "I think I just experienced my first food orgasm" I blurt out and Gabe laughs. "You could cook all this time and didn't tell me?" I ask annoyed. "Yeah" he smiles. "Why?" I take another bite. This is really good I can't believe he actually cooked this. "Because once you found out about my talent you would stop cooking for me and make me do all the cooking" he says. He is so right now that I have taste his food he is definitely cooking. I continue to eat and notice that he hasn't touch his food "What's wrong? You not hungry?" I ask. "Oh I'm hungry but not food wise" the lighting of the candle make his smirk look evil. I take a drink to help me with my dry throat. "How am I suppose to eat while you sit across from me looking so sexy?" he ask. "Mmm am I distracting you Mr. Smith?" I cross my legs and bring my wine for a sip. "You have no idea especially since you aren't wearing a bra" he adds and I blush. "This dress wasn't meant for a bra" I flirt the wine must be getting to me because I'm feeling brave. "Maybe I should write a letter thanking whom ever design that dress" he licks his lips. The sight of his tongue makes me shiver. "Thank you for the food it was delicious" I thank him after we finish eating. "You're welcome Muffin" he cleans the table. "Need any help?" I reach out but he shakes his head "Nope I got it". Who would have ever thought that underneath his asshole ways he is really the best boyfriend ever. "Ready for your gift?" he ask once he is done cleaning. "Another gift? I thought you cooking dinner was my gift" I reach for the wine. "That was part one now this is part two so close your eyes" he smiles. "Again?" I ask with amusement. "Again now close them," I close my eyes "now put your hands out". I do as he said and he place a small box into my hand. I open my eyes and look down to the small jewelry box in my hand. Holly shit! This better not be what I think it is because I'm not ready. Yes I do love Gabe with all my heart but this is a big step. We have only been dating for a month for crying out loud. "Umm Gabe do you think this is the right time?" I ask avoiding looking at him. He laughs "Open it Muffin". I swallow and nervously open the box. I was so relief when I saw a bracelet instead of a ring. "Ouch! I don't know if I should be offended" Gabe grabs his chest. "No, baby" I snap "it's no-".

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