"Breath Sammy" I giggle and I hear her gasp for some air.

"He is my room mates brother, and on then scale he is a 20" I don't want to give her to much details. I trust her but better safe than sorry.

"Wow a 20 so what's the problem?" she ask.

"I-I think I'm in love" well I don't think I know.

"Oh my god that's great your first love!" she beams "but I still don't see the problem".

"I don't know if he loves me," I turn a corner I have been walking for a little while now I have no idea where I'm going.

"Jane that's ridiculous you can tell when some one is in love" she says.

"How?" I bite down on my lip.

"Easy like if he wants to be around you all the time, if he finds any excuse to touch you, if his eyes shine every time he see's you" sounds like I'm not the only one in love around here.

"Sounds like I am not the only one in love" I say.

"Okay I can't lie to you I am in love" I can hear her smiling.

"Oh my god! Who is he? Does tio know about him? Where did you meet?" now is my turn to ask all the questions.

"Dad knows and he approves and I'm not telling you his name you'll just have to come and meet him in person" she says. That's not going to happen because I'm never going home.

"That's so not fair" I'm annoyed.

"You didn't tell me your lover's name so therefore you can't be mad at me" she is right.

"Fine I'm happy for you" I cross the street.

"I can't believe we both are in love at the same time!" her voice is full of excitement. Hopefully she doesn't get her heart broken by who ever she is dating. "And Jane don't worry about it if he is a smart guy then he will realize he is in love with you and if he don't then he doesn't deserve you" she add. If only it was that easy.

"Yeah you're right. I miss you Sam" I say.

"Me too are you ever coming home?" she ask. I feel a knot growing in my throat and I swallow it back down before speaking.

"Of course I have to meet this guy of yours" I lie.

"Hopefully soon" Sam voice is cracking and that's my cue.

"Have to go I'll call you soon" I try to keep it together.

"Okay love you" I hang up before I start crying. I swear it gets harder and harder to talk to her. I walk for a little longer I'm not ready to go home just yet. I end up in front of a private investigator office. This must be a sign with everything that has been going on I forgot that I'm searching for the truth about my mother. I walk inside the office "Good morning" the black hair lady sitting in front of the desk greets me. "Hi, good morning do you guys accept walk-ins?" I ask. "Yes we do if you would please take a seat and I'll go check if Mr. Miller is available" she motions to the waiting room. "Thanks" I sit down. I try cleaning my self up I probably look like a mess. "Mr. Miller will see you now" she announced. "Thank you so much" I walk pass her. "Hi I'm David Miller" he greets me. "Hi I'm Jane" I shake his hand. "Please take a seat" he motions me. Mr. Miller is in his early 40's, he has a few white hairs but they only make him look more professional. "How may I assist you today Miss. Jane?" he sits. "I would like to find out more information about my mother" I cross my legs and play with my chain. "I can help you with that" he nods. I really hope he can help me. "How much will it coast me?" I ask. Before we keep going with this I need to know how much it's going to cost me. "Well if I take the case there is a fee to pay and then I'll charge you by the hour" he says. "How sure can I be that you'll find out what I want to know?" I have to make sure it's worth it. "I take my job very serious Miss. Jane if there is something out there you can trust me I'll find it" he says and I believe him. "Mr. Miller you have yourself a new client" I extend my arm and he shakes it. Thankfully I always carry cash on me so I was able to pay the fee. He ask me what I know about her and I told him everything. It's not much but I hope he can work with that. "If you can't reach me for any reason I give you permission to mail me anything at this address" I give him my address. "Nice doing business with you Misses. Carter" he gives me a warm smile. "The same here" I walk out and head home time to face the music. As I walk up the stairs my heart is pounding like crazy. I open the door and Gabe ambush me "Where have you been?". He brings his arms around me and squeezes me. "I went for a walk" I say to his chest and smell him in. He stretch his arms and stares at me "At this time?". I stand up straight and cross my arms around my chest "Why did you sleep on the sofa?" lets get this over with. He cover his face with his hands and let out a small growl "Because I was waiting for Sophia to get home". My shoulders drop as I let out a breath "Oh really?". I walk to her room and open the door to find it empty "She probably stayed at Jake's" I pull out my phone and send her a message. "Why did you go out for a walk so early?" Gabe is staring at me. "I-I thought you changed your mind about us" I avoid his stare. I guess he isn't the only one who jumps to conclusions. He walks towards me and lifts my chin up "I can't change my mind about you because you are here" he place my hand over his heart. I smile and put his hand over my heart "And so are you". He pulls me towards him "Silly woman". He leans down to kiss me and I run my hands up his back. "I love you" he says on my lips and I smile. It feels so good to know that he doesn't regret saying those words to me. "I love you too". I hear his stomach growl "I'll make some thing to eat" I say. As I walk pass him he slaps me on the ass "That's for leaving this morning" he said with a smirk. I usually don't like getting smack on my ass but with Gabe it's a different story. "Maybe I should do it more often" I wink. His face drops "Don't play with me Muffin". His eyes are burning with desire I blow him a kiss and walk to the kitchen. A few minutes later my phone rings and it's Sophia.

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