"Have I told you how beautiful you look today?" Gabe ask again as we are on our way home. "Only like 3 times" I reach for his hand. "Well at least I'm getting better" he kisses the back of my hand. I notice that his face expression changes real quick "What's wrong babe?".

"Maybe we should go back and get Sophia" Gabe turn on his signal to make a U turn. Of course he would be over thinking leaving Sophia. "Stop she'll be fine" I give him a little squeeze. "Yeah I'm probably over reacting" he turns off his signal. "Probably?" I throw my head back in laughter. "Fine," he signs "I'm over reacting". As soon as I step inside the house the first thing I take off are my high heels. I love them but they can do some serious damage to the puppies. "Now there is my shortcake" Gabe tease. Without my heels I'm back to my regular 5'2 frame. I put my hands on my hip and shift to one leg "First muffin now shortcake are you trying to call me fat?". He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in "Maybe I'm calling you delicious". He gives me a grin that I can't resist. I stand on my toes to give him a kiss but he tilts his head to the side and fakes a yawn "I'm so tired". I know that this is pay back for what I did earlier "Asshole". I turn to walk away but he spins me back and smash his lips into mines he taste like sprite and mint gum. He lift me up but due to my tight skirt I can't wrap my legs around his waist. He carries me to the bedroom and pulls back "I'm going to take a shower". He is so random. I frown as he puts me back down to the ground "Don't waste the hot water".

"Oh Muffin I'm not planning on using the hot water" he winks. Now I understand the shower comment. He turns around and I smack his ass "Go shower perv". I'm going to need a cold shower myself. I strip out of my cloths and throw on my bathrobe. I untie my hair and my curls spill over. I turn around to find a naked wet Gabe standing in the doorway. The only thing covering him is the towel he has around his waist. I feel like I got the wind knock out of me. Seeing water roll down Gabe's firm chest down to his packs make my mouth dry. I feel like going over there and licking him dry. "I think I need another shower" Gabe is staring at me the same way. "Um no," I snap "it's my turn to take a cold shower". He arches his eyebrow "I mean shower" I correct my self. As I walk pass him I smell his body wash and I take a quick glance to see his backside. God his has a perfect ass. I try taking a cold shower but that only lasted like for 5 seconds. I hop out the shower and when I got to my room I notice that Gabe wasn't there. I decided to put one of his shirt on with his boxer. For some reason I love wearing his cloths. I braid my hair to the side and go look for Gabe. I find him in the kitchen making a sandwich "You want one?". I take a seat to admire my personal chief "No thank you". He standing there with his square blue pajamas pants and no shirt. "Okay I don't want to catch you picking on my sandwich" he smirk. I look over to the clock and it's 1:30 am. "I like that shirt on you by the way" he adds. "This old thing," I shrug but inside I'm doing a victory dance. "I think I should sleep in the sofa" he say. Why does he want to sleep in the sofa? We have been sleeping together almost every night. I frown "Why?". He walks over to me and lifts the wrinkles from my forehead "Because I want to see what time Sophia gets in". I roll my eyes out of annoyance "Seriously Gabe leave her alone she is a big girl". I don't want to sound like I don't care about her if any thing that's why I am doing it. She is old enough to stay out and have fun with her boyfriend. "I know she is a big girl but I still worry" he says in a nasty way. That's the first time he answers me that way and I don't like it one bit now I'm the one who is angry. "Maybe you should sleep in the living room after all" I get up and walk away. My feelings are hurt but that's what I get for budding my nose where it doesn't belong. I snuggle in bed and start crying. To say the honest truth it isn't even about Gabe well not all of it at least. I'm crying because I miss my family and Sammy birthday is coming up and I won't be with her for the first time in my life. On top of that I'm still a little shook about the man I just don't want to admit it. I need to stay strong because only the strong one survives. The door opens and I hear Gabe's footstep getting closer suddenly the bed shift and he pulls me into his arms. "I'm sorry Muffin I didn't mean to sound like an asshole" he kiss my head. I snuggle against his forearm "It- it's not you" I stutter. "What is it then baby?" he stroke my hair. I wish I can tell him everything and for a quick second I think I might but I don't. It's not that I don't trust him because I do. The only reason why I don't tell him is because I want to keep him safe and that's the only way I know how too. "I just miss my family" at least that is true. "How about you go visit them? I'll come with you for support". That is not even a option they would probably kill him and lock me back up. "That's nice of you but I don't think that is a good idea" I sniff. He turns me around "Okay Muffin what ever you want just no more crying it breaks my heart seeing you like this". He kisses my forehead moves down to my nose and then to my lips. He takes my bottom lip in between his and I shiver. Now he taste like my tears mix with mouthwash. He swirls his tongue around my mouth and I let out a small cry. He rolls on top of me with one hand behind my neck and the other one on my hip. I feel the butterflies again but this time they are every where. He pulls back and wipes my face "I love you". What did he just say? I probably herd wrong. "You do?" I ask surprise. "Yes I remember when I realize it too" he adds "When?" I ask curiously. I need to know when he realized he loved me. "It was the day that you got chase. I came home and you was sound asleep. You look so adorable even with all that snoring" I suck my teeth I don't snore "I was so glad that nothing happen to you all I wanted was to snuggle in bed with you and never let you go. The only reason why I freaked out was because I didn't know if you felt the same for me. That's when I realized that I, Gabriel Smith, am hopelessly in love with you, Jane Carter". I feel sick to my stomach knowing that I'm lying to him about my name. Once he finds out where I really come from he won't love me. I stare into his green eyes and the way he is staring back at me lets me know that he is telling the truth. I brush his hair back "Well I'm in love with you too Gabe my ape". I pull him down by his hair and brush my lips on his. The kiss starts out slow and gentle but turned into a passionate one. Our tongues dance to their own beat and the room starts spinning. I wrap my arms and legs around him. His hands slowly caress my thighs leaving a burning sensation. I feel his manhood knocking on my door and I am pretty close to letting him in. He pulls back "We should stop" he says breathless. I let out a small growl I was in the moment. I know he is right and we should stop because it's to soon to jump into that. He gives me a quick kiss "There is no rush". Just the simple fact that he stop us makes me fall for him deeper. I know how hard it is for him to make that decision I know he wants me as much as I want him because I can feel it. "Okay" I drop my legs and arms. He lands next to me "I think I need another shower".

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