"Oh sweetie if he fucks up with you then he is a dumb ass and mamma didn't raise no fool" he laughs and I join him. "You are a smart nugget my friend" I say. "Hey Liam" Sophia kiss him on the cheek "Hey Sophia". Sophia turns to Jake "This is my-" she stops not knowing how to introduce him. "Her boyfriend" Jake stretch out his hand. 5 point to Jake I think to my self. Liam eyes him up and down and then shakes his hand "Liam".

"Come on dude let's go to the bar" Taylor walks by with out even introducing him self. What a dick. "What do you want baby?" Jake ask. "A soda would be fine boyfriend" she said cheesing. He turns towards me "And you Jane?".

"The same thank you" I smile. I'm not in the mood for drinking today especially since Gabe is going to around. "Come on let's go find a table" Sophia pulls us. "He is cute but he ain't no Gabe" Liam says. "I totally agree" I give him a hi 5. "Well since he is my brother I'm glad he is nothing like him" she rolls her eyes. "What ever" Liam turns to me "So where is our boyfriend?".

"He'll be here later he had some work to finish" I say. Jake and Taylor comes back with our drinks. "I got you a beer bro" he hands it to Liam. "Well thank you" Liam says in his manly voice. Jake really is a nice guy. "Look what the wind blew in" Sophia says as we all turn to see. "M&M" Liam gasp as if he was in a horror movie. Maggie walks in with another blond on her side. "Who is that?" I ask. I have never seen her around. "That is Mitchell, Maggie's EBF" Liam says. "EBF?" I tilt my head in confusing. "Evil Bitch Friend" he says. I look back and stare at them Mitchell has long blond hair, slime body, and nice boobs. "She is pretty" I say. "My type of girl" Taylor adds. "Every girl is your type of girl" I point out. "If you guys will excuse me I have to go introduce myself" he winks and walks over to them. "What a pig" Sophia rolls her eyes. "Hey you can't blame a man for trying" Jake gives her a kiss. "He better not bring them over here I can't stand them" she says under her breath. I take a sip of my soda "So you know her?". I always thought Sophia hated Maggie. "Unfortunately" she growled. I glance back and see them walking towards us. "Oh hell no," Sophia turns to Jake "Would you like to say something or will I have the honor?". Poor Jake he is stuck in the middle of all this mess. I really don't mind having them here. I know Maggie and I don't get along but I can be civil with her. "Guys this is Mitchell and of course you already know Maggie" Taylor introduces us. "Hi" Mitchell waves at us. "Hi," I smile "I'm Jane". Mitchell looks over to Maggie and Maggie gives her a little nod. I don't think it was meant for any of us to notice but I did. Mitchell turns to me and gives me a sneer smiles. For some reason I don't trust her or her phony smile. "Hey Sofa nice to see you again" she turns to Sophia. "It's Sophia and to bad I can't say the same" she hissed. I guess the feeling is mutual between them. "Take a seat" Taylor pulls out two chairs for them. I move closer to Liam and he grabs my hand to show support. "I didn't know you two were friends" Maggie points at us two. "Yeah we are totally BFF" Liam brings our hands in the air. "Mmm I see" she shifts in her seat. "Taylor may I have a word with you?" Jake nods his head to the side. "Sure man" he excuse himself with the evil twins. Mitchell and Maggie are whispering and eyeing me I lean into Liam "I think they are talking about me". Sophia looks at them "Oh hell no let me go talk to Jake before I end up killing some one" she hops off the seat. "There he is I told you he was going to be here" Maggie says to Mitchell. "He gets hotter by the second" Mitchell starts fixing her self up. "How do I look?" she ask Maggie. "You look sexy" she winks at her. "Poor bastard" Liam whispers to me and I hold in a laugh. I wonder who they are talking about. My curiosity beats me and I turn around to see Gabe walking towards us. All humor leaves my face they better not be talking about Gabe. "I'm taking him home with me tonight" Mitchell pushes her boobs out of her tight dress. My breathing gets heavier as I try to control my anger. "Who are you talking about?" Liam ask the question that is on my mind. "Gabriel who else?" she snap back like if it was obvious. My hands start to shake I'm about one second away from becoming a murder. Liam laughs and I bring my index finger to my lips. "I think he saw me because he is walking towards us" Mitchell beams. Oh how I want to drag her by her pretty hair. "He is looking right at you" Maggie says. At this point I don't know which one I want to kill more the one who is trying to sleep with my boyfriend or the one that is encouraging her too. "Here he comes I'm going to act like I haven't notice him" Mitchell turns her head away from Gabe. Gabe walks towards us and smiles "Bingo" Mitchell whisper. "There you are" Gabe says and Mitchell jumps to her feet. Maggie glance back at me with a smile on her face that I would love to smack off. Gabe walks pass Mitchell with out even acknowledge her and I hear Liam choking on his beer. "Hey gorgeous" his lips finds mines and all trace of jealousy leaves my body. From the corner of my eye I see Mitchell with her mouth wide open. "Hey babe" I say when he pulls back. "Sorry I took so long" he cups my face. "Uh hum" Maggie clears her throat. "Oh sorry Maggie I didn't even notice you there" Gabe turns. I hear Liam chuckling and I shove his leg under the table. "You remember my friend Mitchell" she motions to her. "Hi" Mitchell voice comes out high. "Mm I'm sorry I don't remember but it's nice to meet you" Gabe smiles. That takes Liam overboard and he starts laughing out loud. Maggie and Mitchell both stare at him ready to attack him. Gabe walks over to Liam and pat his back "Are you alright man?". Liam tries to control his laugh "Never been better". Gabe wraps his arms around me from behind "Mmm you smell so good". I lay my head on his shoulder "You're lucky I didn't see you at home" he whisper into my ear. "Why?" I manage to say. "I would of lock us both in your room" he kisses the side of my neck and I melt. "Gabe!" Sophia voice breaks our conversation. "Here goes nothing" he mumbles. Taylor walks over to the evil blonds and they leave the table. "This is Jake," Sophia motions to Gabe "and this is my nice and kind brother Gabe" she smiles and Gabe gives her a evil look. They shake hands poor Jake I can see he is uncomfortable. "Awkward" Liam mumbles under his breath. They take a seat and I hold Gabe's hand to show him support. "So Jake," here we go "How did you meet my sister?". Jake looks at her and smiles "She is a regular at the shop I work. I liked her for a while now but I never had the guts to talk to her". Sophia blush and I smile but Gabe's face is harder than a rock. "How long have you been seeing each other?" he ask. Sophia shifts in her seat "A little over a month" he answer. "Over a month?" he frowns at Sophia "And I'm just finding out why?". Jake looks at Sophia waiting for her answer. "Because I didn't want you to scare him away" she answers annoyed. "I won't run" he holds her hand. 50 points for Jake I'm starting to like Jake more and more by the second. "So you don't think I am scary?" Gabe ask him. "Hell yeah but if I have to deal with you to date Sophia then I'm all game" Jake answer. 100 points he has officially won me over. Gabe gives a little smirk but quickly recovers "Let's go buy some drinks" Gabe says. Jake nods and gives Sophia a small kiss. "Be nice" I whisper to Gabe. "Always" he gives me a tap and walks away. "I don't know which side of Gabe I like better the all lovey dovey one or the bad ass cop" Liam blurts out. "Lovey dovey?" she ask and he fills her in.

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