"Yes," he turns to look at me "I'm taking her home now".

"Oh thank god," she lets out a small breath.

"Soso go straight home don't make any stops you hear me" he commands.

"What's wrong? Is she okay?" she ask.

"Yeah just go home" he hangs up.

He gives me a light squeeze "I'll protected you". I give him a small smile to reassure him. I stare out the window the rest of the ride home lost in my thoughts. Sophia was already home when we got there. "Where were you?" she runs towards me and embrace me into a hug. My legs feel weak and I feel unsteady. It's getting harder for me to breath. I feel nauseous and lightheaded. My vision gets blurry and next thing I know everything goes black.

"How many times do I have to tell you Jane," my dad is furious because I left the house with out my bodyguards again "You aren't allow to go out by yourself. This isn't a game Jane". I roll my eyes "Yeah yeah". I hate when he gets all fatherly on me. He rubs his forehead out of frustration "Princess do you know what can happen to you if my enemies get their hands on you?". I shake me head "Dad what do I have to do with anything? I have no part in this world of yours I just want to be a normal teen" I reply with anger. I never ask for any of this. He sits behinds his desk rubbing his temples. I hate being in his office it's so cold and empty ."Jane you don't get it. Your my daughter and they know that you're my weakness. They will use you to get to me don't you understand that? There is no saying what they can do to you.". He reach over to grab my hand "I know that you didn't ask for this princess but by default your in it. All I want is to keep you safe".

"Jane, Jane," I hear Gabe's voice "baby wake up". His voice sounds so far away. "I'm going to call the ambulance" Sophia says. "No" I mumble. I can't go to a hospital they will find me there. I open my eyes and see a blurry Gabe staring back at me. "Jane are you okay" Sophia drops to her knees beside me and hugs me. "What happen?" I'm confuse. "You fainted" Sophia lays a hand on my forehead. "I'm fine" I try to get up but everything starts spinning. "Wow easy there" Gabe lifts me up and I rest my head on his chest. "Soso can you make her something light to eat?" he ask and she nods. He carries me to the room "I'm fine" I say to reassure him. He shakes his head and looks away. "What's wrong?" I turn his face and notice that his eyes are watery "I swear I'm fine" I smile I'm so touch of how worry he is for me. He walks to the bed and sits down with me on his laps. "Don't scare me like that ever again" he finally speaks. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you" I mumble into his chest. I feel so safe in his arms I never want to leave them. He squeeze me and I let out a soft moan "You're going to break me" I try to lighten up the mood. He release me and I mentally kick me ass for saying something in the first place "Sorry". He grabs my chin and rotates my face left and right checking for any wounds. I grab his hands "I'm fine nothing happen". He rest his forehead against mine and lets out a small breath. I give him a small kiss on the tip of his nose. He locks eyes with me and pulls me closer to him. My heart starts to pound so loud that I'm sure he can hear it. His gaze is so intense it's driving me crazy. Occasionally he glance down to my lips and then back to my eyes. I bite down on my bottom lip trying to keep it from shaking. Gentle and slowly he lifts my chin up with his finger. He licks his lips and my eyes follow his tongue around his mouth he is killing me right now. He dips his head and very subtly and softly brush his moist lips on mine. His lips are even more softer than what I had imagine. They fit so perfectly against mines. He trace his tongue along my bottom lip and I open my mouth to invite him in. His tongue slides inside and massages mine gently. I'm so glad that I'm sitting down because I would of collapse by now. I wrap my hands around his neck to pin him closer to me. His hand cups the back of my neck while the other one wraps around my waist. His kiss is so gentle it's like he is afraid to break me. He nibbles on the bottom of my lip and it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. My stomach feels like I'm back on the roller coaster but I don't want to get off. Our tongues dance in a synchronizing way. I let out a moan into his mouth he taste like blueberry and coffee my favorite combination. I smell his cologne mix with what I think it's my coco hair cream. He bites down on my lip and pulls away. We both are trying to control our heavy breathing. "Jane I-," I cover his mouth if he regrets it I don't want to know it. "You smell like coco" I tease him. He blush "Yea I sort of used your cream". I smile and get off his lap "Where you going?" he ask. "Shower" I say with out looking back. I can't let him see how affected I am. I have kissed other guys before but nothing compares to kissing Gabe. I can still feel his lips on mine. That was intense it was intimate. That was...was...love!. Holly shit!

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