"Thank you Muffin" he kiss the tip of my nose and my heart start to race. "My pleasure" I kiss the tip of his nose only because I'm to much of a coward to kiss his lips. I drop my head down on his chest and his heart beat matches mine. Maybe he was freaking out that I was going to kiss him and make this awkward for us. I let out a small laugh remembering how much fun I had today. "What's funny?" he ask. "I had fun today thank you" I kiss his chest. "My pleasure we should make it a hobbit" he says. "Make what a hobbit?" I close my eyes enjoying his heartbeat. "Going out on the weekends" he runs his hand up and down my arm. More dates with Gabe just us two? Can I get an Amen please! "Really you'll do that for me?" I'm shocked. "I sort of have to" he says and I look up at him "Why?".

"Because that's part of my plan to make you smile and laugh more and a promise is a promise" he smirks. I feel like I'm going to cry he is such a sweetheart. Every one was right about him he is a great guy. "You're amazing you know that?" I lay back down. "Yeah I have been told" he is also cocky but I like it. "But you are pretty incredible yourself" he kiss the top of me head. "Night Gabe" I wrap my arm and leg around him like a snake. "Night Muffin" he strokes my hair until I fall asleep.

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