I try turning to my side but there is something heavy pinning me to the bed. I open my eyes to find Gabe handsome face still sleeping. I brush his hair back and run my hand down his face tracing his every line. His face is so perfect just like everything else. Seriously I can't find anything wrong with him he is just a perfect creation. He has an oval shape face, his eyebrows are bold and well shape I wounder if he wax them? His eyelashes are long any girl would kill to have them. His nose is just the right size for his face, his top lip is thinner than his bottom lip. They look so soft and full I am so tempted to kiss them and feel them against mines. I wonder how he would taste? If he is a good kisser? His has a strong jaw line so manly and he has a clean shave makes his face look as soft as a baby. I look up to find one green eye staring back at me. "Good morning Muffin" he says in his deep hoarse morning voice. Great I got caught checking him out again. I feel like a peeping Tom no worst I feel like peeping Tom's father whom ever he is. "Morning" I start to get up but he brings me back down. "What time is it?" he is killing me with that voice it's so sexy. I look over to the clock "It's 7". He pouts like a little boy he looks so adorable doing that "I have to go to work". He rolls on top of me "I thought you had off?" I brush his hair back. He shakes his head and his hair tickles my chin "Correction you and Sophia have off I on the other hand have to go in and handle some work but I'll be out by 12 so be ready by then". He still doesn't know that Sophia isn't going with us. I hope he don't cancel because I really want to go. He rolls off me and heads for the bathroom. I can't help but to stare at his bare back and his tight ass. God he has a great ass. I hop out of bed and go make him some coffee. "I can get use to this" Gabe walks in with his one million dollar smile. "Don't it's a one time sort of thing" I hand him his coffee. "Be ready by 12" he commands. "Yes sir" I salute him. "Look at that," he chuckles and my heart skips a beat "my own private Ryan". I think I need sunglasses to stare at his bright perfect white teeth. He leans over the table and kisses my forehead "See you later be ready". Another kiss on the forehead really? I can't help but to feel disappointment I give him a smile and wave goodbye as he exited. I decide to go back to bed it's still early and maybe I can sneak in a little nap. I hug the pillow that Gabe used last night and sniff it. It still smells like him. Is it bad that I miss him already? What's wrong with me? The door flies open and part of me hopes it's Gabe. I look up and find Sophia standing there wrap in her rainbow blanket. She jumps in bed with me "So you and Gabe huh?" she sounds excited. "Nothing happen we just slept" I shake my head. She wiggles her eyebrows and stares at me in disbelieve "Really? You're going to tell me you had my brother in your bed and he didn't try anything?". I lift up my right hand "I swear nothing happen between us". If I felt disappointed about the kiss on the forehead now I feel worst. I guess I'm not his type maybe he see's me like a little sister afterwords. "Are you a lesbian?" Sophia ask "I won't judge you I swear". I hit her with a pillow "No, I'm not a lesbian". She laughs "I'm just kidding leas-bi-honest do you like Gabe?". I don't know do I? When ever he is around I get nervous and excited at the same time. I can't go a day without thinking of his green eyes. They haunt me everyday even in my dreams. I enjoy spending time with him even when he is annoying me. When I'm with him I lose sight of time I have never felt anything like this before. "I don't know really" I lie because I know damn well I do. "Oh my guy! I knew it you like him" she trows the pillow back at me. "I'm so confuse and he confuses me even more. One minute he is all kind and the next he is an asshole" I let out a small breath. "Yeah I know how confusing he can be but trust me when I say that he likes you" she smiles. A smile from ear to ear creeps it's way on my face "You think?". I know that isn't true but hearing it makes me hopeful that maybe just maybe he does. "No," she shakes her head "I know it". I feel butterflies in my stomach and I can't stop smiling. "Okay so I'm going to say I have really bad cramps and that I'm not feeling good" she says. "You think he will believe that?" Gabe is no fool. I don't know how we are going to pull this off. "Yeah he is a guy and they hate talking about periods" she laughs. "Now come on we have to pick out your outfit" she drags me off the bed and into my closet. An hour later we finally agree on a jersey dress. "Don't you think it's to much?" I'm not sure about this. "No way you have to take advantage of this weather because winter is around the corner now go shower" she push me out the door. I am wearing a dark blue long sleeve jersey dress that fits clingy. I bend down in front of the mirror to check my backside. "What are you doing?" Sophia walks in. "Checking if I can bend down with out giving people a free show. Can you see anything?" I ask. "Nope you are good to go" she gives me two thumbs up. "I love that dress on you" she rush to my side to check me out. "Your boobs are so perky" she jiggles them in her hands and I laugh. "Leas-bi-honest now is there something you want to admit?" I raise my eyebrow at her. "Yeap I want your boobs" she release them. "I got the perfect black flats to go with that dress" she runs out the room. I add some cream on my hair and clip one side up and let the rest dangle. I put on some mascara, eyeliner, and some lip gloss. Sophia walks in "Here you go and you look amazing". I'm so nervous what if he cancels when he finds out she isn't going. "I don't think I can do this Sofy" I confess. She shakes me around "You can do this stop being so insecure". Insecure me? Ha! Never. Okay maybe a little. "I feel like I have to throw up" I rub my stomach. "You're just nervous but relax everything is going to be find" she reassure me. "I hope you girls are ready" we hear the front door open. Sophia winks and walks out "Hey Gabbie".

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