"I can't wait for tomorrow" I say to Sophia after work. I have been waiting all week for Saturday. "You're such a little girl" Sophia mocks me but I don't care I can't hide my excitement to go to the fair. "So Jake call me" now she is the one that is beaming. "You're such a girl" I mock her. She rolls her eyes "Shut up". She blush "He wants to see me tomorrow". They haven't seen each other since the day that we all went out. I actually thought that she wasn't interested in him no more. "That's great so are you going to see him after we come back from the fair?" I reach for the control. She shift in her sit "About that," I stare at her "I was hoping that you can keep Gabe distracted so I can hang with Jake". What does she mean keep him distracted? Now I am the one who shifts uncomfortable "I don't know Sophia". I don't think going out with just Gabe is a good idea. Every time I'm around him I feel all weird inside. "Oh come on Jane pleasee," she pouts "I really really like Jake". She gives me her sad face that she knows I can't say no to. "Fine" I give in. She claps her hands "Thank you so much Jane I owe you one". She jumps up and runs to her room to call Jake. What have I gotten myself into? I throw my head back to stare at the ceiling I just hope he don't mind going with me. We haven't been alone since that night and I don't know how I'm going to act. I am laying in bed after my shower and decided to call Sammy.

"Hello" she picks up on the second ring.

"Hi Sam" I reply.

"What's up Ana?" Ana? Why she called me Ana? "Oh nothing here at my tio's house" she went on. She is at my father's house. After a minute of silence I finally ask "Is my dad there?" I feel nervous just knowing he might be around.

"Yeah I know right" she says.

"How is he?" I pick on the fabric.

"Don't worry about it everything is fine" she answers.

"Good I'm glad he is okay" I smile.

"Do you still want the recipe for the cake?" What is she talking about? "because I can put Nina on the phone and she can give you the recipe".

"Oh my god really?" I jump up and down "Yes! Put her on".

"Okay I'll go look for her". I can't believe I am going to talk to Nina after what seems like for ever.

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