"I'll see you at home" I say to Sophia as I clock out. I have to get going if I'm going to be on time to catch the bus. "Hey Jane would you like a ride?" Mark ask as I step out the shop. He is leaning on his car just hanging if I didn't know any better I would think he was waiting for some one. "No that's fine I can take the bus" I kindly turn him down. I don't want to bother him when I can just take the bus. "Don't be silly I'll give you a ride hop in" he insist. I really don't want to bother him but knowing him he isn't going to drop this. Being the gentleman that he is he opens the door for me "Please". What the hell why not? How am I suppose to say no to that? "So how are you liking your job so far?" he ask as he drives off. "Well I love my job my boss is super nice" I say which is the truth. What other boss do you know gives their employees I lift to their house? He smiles "Really? I kind of herd he was an ass". There is no way any one can think that he is an ass. He is the nicest person I have ever met well after Sophia of course. "Ha!" I laugh "I know what an ass is and trust me when I say you don't fall under that category". He laughs "Well thank you that is nice of you to say". I notice a change in his mood but I don't call him out on it. He turns on the volume on his stereo and we drive the rest of the way in silent. "Thank you so much Mark for the ride home" I thank him as I get off the car. "No problem it was my pleasure" he smiles. "See you tomorrow" I wave bye as he drives off. Seriously who ever calls Mark an asshole definite don't know the true definition of that word. Once I get inside I go straight for the bathroom to take a shower. I need to wash all the stress of today off me. When ever there is something bothering me I shower and wash it off me it sounds stupid but it actually helps. After my shower I decided to start on dinner since I'm the only one home and Sophia is still working. Sophia isn't much of a cook so I'm the one that does all the cooking anyways. I really don't mind it gives me a chance to practice everything Nina thought me. Once I had the spaghetti cooking I walk into the living room to watch some T.V. I was so into the movie that the knock on the door scares me off the seat. I guess that's what happens when you watch scary movies on your own. "Did you forget your keys Sofy" I say as I open the door. "No I don't have keys" Gabriel answer. Are you serious right now? Didn't he have enough fun this morning? "Are you kidding me?" I roll my eyes out of annoyance. What does he want with me? "Nice to see you too" he walks in. I don't even bother fighting him because there is no point. I close my eyes and take in a long breath "Sophia isn't home yet" I close the door. "Yeah I know," he walks into the kitchen. I follow to turn off the stove. "Mmm something smells great" he walks over and opens the pot of spaghetti "You can cook?". No the spaghetti manage to cook it self is what I wanted to say but go against it because for the first time he is actually acting nice. I wonder how long until the other shoe drops? "Yes I can cook" I walk to the living room leaving him behind. "Do you mind if I get some?" he ask. No matter how much I dislike some one I will never deny food to anyone. Two things I would never deny any one something to eat and a glass of water. "Knock your self out" I yell from the living room. If he thought I was going to serve him then he thought wrong. I turn the volume up on the TV and try to focus on the movie instead of Gabriel. A few minutes later Gabriel walks into the living room and sits right next to me "I have to say you are a great cook". His body pulls my body towards him so I move away from him "Thanks". I return to the movie even tho I can't concentrate with him being this close to me. All I can think of is how good he smells. He probably uses one of those axe spry that has every girl falling at his feet. Not that he needs that with the way he looks. All he needs to do is show up to have any girl drooling for him. Expect for me of course. "What are you watching?" he ask. "The Hills Have Eyes" I focus on what's going on in the movie. Hopefully he doesn't ask me what's going on cause I have no idea. "Good movie" he lays back with one hand on the back of his head and his feet on the table. He acts as if this is normal for us to just hang and watch movies like if we were friends. "What are you doing here?" I finally blurt out. I know there has to be a reason why he is here. "I can't visit my sister?" he arch his eyebrow as he rubs his non-existing belly. I can't help but stare at where his hand is rubbing. I bet he has a six pack underneath that shirt. "Of course you can but she isn't here and you knew that" I point out. He knows damn well that Sophia is still working. "I thought I could wait for her here" he shrugs. Why wait for her here when he can wait for her at the shop. He knew I was going to be here alone so why did he come? He didn't come to just hang with me and then it hits me the real reason why he is here. "Or maybe you don't trust me to be alone in your sister's apartment and you came to make sure I wasn't here with my drug addicting friends getting high" I say annoyed. He stares at me for a long time I can tell I hit it right out the park with my guess "I really don't know you so how can I trust you?" he finally answers. I feel like he just punch me in my stomach. I don't know why but it hurts to know that he doesn't like me. I lick my lips because for some reason they are dry as hell "I understand," I nod my head "I don't know you either and most importantly I don't want to get to know you" I get up from the sofa. "Where are you going?" he ask as I walk towards the hallway. "Away from you" I walk to my room. I can feel my eyes burning but I will not cry. I don't even like him so why do I care if he likes me or not? He is just a ignorant bastard mix with the asshole. I thought Raul was the biggest asshole in the world but I can see Gabe running pretty close to him. How can some one so nice like Sophia be related to that dick head?

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