Love you always

Your Princess.

I fold the paper and give it a kiss before placing it on top of my bed. There is so much more I want to say to him but I can't write all of it down I don't have time. For the first time this night I let myself cry I can't hold it no more. How much suffering can some one hold until they break? I cried my eyes out until I ran out of tears. I knew this was going to be hard but I had no idea how hard it really was. I know deep down this is the only way out of this mess but it doesn't make the pain go away. My father is the only parent I have left and I'm the only thing he has left of mom. I know that by me leaving I will destroy him. I might even lose him and then I would really be an orphan. Enough Jane stop trying to talk your self out of doing this. If I keep thinking this way I might just change my mind and stay. I clean my tears it's now or never. I walk to the door and crack it open I hear people laughing and talking with music in the background I close and lock the door. I peak out the window and to my advantage there is no one outside. I grab my luggage and throw out the window. I run to my bed and start to tie my sheets together. I tie one end to my bed frame and the other end I throw it out the window. I seen this in a movie once I just hope I am not to heavy for this. My stomach starts to turn, my hands are shaky and I break in to a cold sweat. I can't believe I'm really doing this. I have dream of doing this so many nights but never thought I would go through with it. I breath in and out trying to control my nervous and I take the last look around my room. This is where I grew up, where I had so many sleep overs with Sammy, where I got my heart broken for the first time, where I cried my self to sleep so many endless night. I have to leave all this behind me. I sit on the edge of the window and look down I am so thankful that my room is on the second floor because if it was a little bit higher then I wouldn't have the guts to go through with it. I wipe my clammy hands on my sweats. Here goes nothing I wrap my legs and hands around the sheets and I slowly start to slide down. My hands start to burn due to how hard I'm holding on to the sheets. My arms start to quiver under the pressure of my weight I really need to work on my arms. "She is really fucking hot" I hear some one say. I freeze on the spot as two drunk guys pass by. "Yeah Raul is one lucky bastard" the other one says. Please don't turn around please don't turn around I prayed. I hear the sheet tearing and my eyes go straight to where the sheet is ripping. Fuck if I fall from here I'm going to break my neck. My hands are so sweaty that they start slipping. I know I shouldn't panic but I can't help it. I start to kick my legs in the air trying to hold on to the sheet. I look back and thankfully no one is there. I quickly return to slide down before the sheet rips all the way. I am only a few ft away when the sheet finally rips and I fall on my feet twisting my ankle. "Fuck" I cry. That shit hurts but I don't have time to duel on it right now. I reach for my luggage and start running. Every time I put pressure on my ankle it feels like I am getting stab by millions of tiny needles but I can't focus on that right now. All I can think about right now is running and getting away. There is so many cars in front of my yard that they keep me hidden from any one. My ankle is killing me I can't even walk right I have to limp. I'm not going to be able to run with my ankle like this. My plan was to run all the way to a bus stop and go from there but that isn't going to work now. I'm going to have to steal a car. I have never stole anything in my life but drastic times call for drastic measures. I went through all the cars until I find one that wasn't lock. "Thank you Jesus" I open the door and hot wire the car. Thanks you Sammy she was the one who taught me how to hot wire a car. I have no idea how she learn to do that. She is full of surprises that one. As soon as the car starts I hit the gas petal and speed the fuck out of there. I feel the adrenaline running through my body. This is what people must feel like when they are running away from the feds. I feel so alive I have never done anything like this before. I press down on the gas petal I need to put as much distant between that house and me as I can. I don't even know where I am going to be honest. I never thought I was going to get this far. I can drive until I run out of gas but then it would be easier for them to find me. I only have a few hours until they find the letter. I need to take advantage of every minute the best way I can. Think Jane think. The only way I can get far far away from here in a few hours is by an airplane. Why didn't I think about that before? Usually the airport is a good 30 minute drive I made it there under 20 minutes. Thankfully there was no cop around or else it would be a different story. When I finally reach the airport I give the valet the keys and run inside. "Good morning madam how my I assist you today?" a blond woman greets me as I make my way to her. "Can I buy the first available ticket going anywhere" I say out of breath. She stares at me like I lost my mind "Sure but that can be a little expensive". I roll my eyes at her she thinks I can't afford it she has no idea. "I know I didn't ask you for the price" I say pissed off. "Of course I am sorry madam is this a one way ticket or a round trip?" she ask looking at her screen. "A one way ticket" I answer. I don't ever want to come back. "Okay" she keeps her eyes on the screen as I look around to make sure no one followed me. I put my hoodie on trying to block my face. I must look crazy with the way I'm acting you might think that I killed some one. I'm so close to freedom that it scares me. "The next available flight is in 30 minutes they are actually boarding now you made it just in time" she smiles at me. "Okay I'll take it how much?" I reach for the envelopes. "It would be 500 plus 25 for the luggage". Damn she wasn't joking when she said it was going to be expensive. I hand her the money and one of my fake ID. It takes her about 5 minutes to put in the computer but it seems like an hour to me. She doesn't know that every minute counts. "Thank you have a wonderful and safe flight. Your exit is on the right" she hands me my ticket and ID. I take out the envelope with the cash and the one Nina gave me before I hand her my luggage. I walk towards my exit looking around to make sure I haven't been found. I hate feeling so paranoid. "May I have your ticket please?" the ticket person ask me. I hand her over my ticket never reading my destination. I really don't care where I am going as long as it's far far from here. "Thank you" she hands it back and grants me access to board the plane. I couldn't get into the plane any faster than I did. "Good morning mam sorry we don't have a seat reserve for you this morning but you can pick any seat that is available" the air hostesses greats me as I board the plane. "It's fine and thank you" I walk to the first available seat that I lay eyes on. I'm so glad it's a window seat. I buckle my self up and send a little pray. Copyright 2016 - 2024