“You’re used to variety, to...bulk.”

He blinked at her, then his mouth twitched in unison with his eyebrows, as if he couldn’t decide whether to be annoyed or amused. “Bulk?”

She flagged a hand. “Multiple women.”

Gently, he reminded her, “Not since you.”

She believed he hadn’t, but did he miss it? “If you’re tempted—”

“Are you asking me if you’re enough?” He kissed her again, softer, hotter. “Because, Rissy, I can promise you, you’re more than enough.”

Her lips tingled. So did select body parts. To keep from grabbing him for another taste, Merissa stepped back—and he let her go. She licked her lips, watched his gaze burn brighter, and she struggled to speak normally. “I just...just wanted it on record.”

“Duly noted.” He watched her. “But unnecessary.”

Needing to lighten the mood, Merissa smiled. “So you’re telling me the infamous Armie Jacobson can keep it in his pants?”

Taking the proffered olive branch, he shrugged. “I have a hand.”

Her smile slipped. “Armie!”

“Everyone does it, Stretch. You included.” He stepped closer. “In fact, I wouldn’t mind watching that.”

A prudent time to point out the obvious. “That’d be difficult since you’re sending me away.”

A priceless expression fell over his face. He turned from her, saying, “Damn it.”

So he didn’t like his decision any more than she did? “Forgetting your own rules?”

“It’s not a rule, it’s a necessity.”

“Says you.”

He faced her again, and now he looked very uncertain. “Leese is at your place now.”

“Yup. No reason for you to worry about me.”

“I’ll worry if I want to.” He rubbed at the back of his neck. “You two are cozy, right?”

“As good friends, yes.” Was he jealous? If so, it served him right. Or surely he didn’t hope for her to hook up with Leese? Growing suspicious, she asked, “Why?”

“You’re comfortable confiding in him if you need to. At night, I mean.”

Merissa gave him the truth. “If I thought someone broke in, I’d have no qualms getting Leese out of bed. But if it wasn’t anything dire, I’d just call my brother.” She was well used to leaning on Cannon, at his insistence, for much of her life.

Armie nodded. “You won’t be unprotected. Ever.”

Meaning he’d help keep watch? “I know that.” You’re mine, Armie. “I’ll miss you. A lot. But I’ll be okay.” Before she broke down, Merissa started around the room, gathering a pair of jeans, her bra, a shirt. “As soon as Cannon drops off my car, I’ll be on my way.” Silence met that declaration, so Merissa glanced back—and found Armie looking so lost, she almost couldn’t take it. “I love you, you know.”

His eyes flared.

“Always have.”

Thunderstruck, he whispered, “Rissy—”

“No, don’t say anything. If it’s not what I want to hear, it’ll just be too awful. And even if it is, right now, I’m not sure I’d believe you.” She lifted one shoulder. “I just wanted you to know.” Taking her clothes, she strode out of the room.

She’d be back. Soon.

She had to believe that or she’d never have the strength to walk away.

* * *


Armie hit the heavy bag hard enough to make Simon frown.

Three days that felt like a lifetime since Merissa had walked out of his apartment.

He threw a series, followed up with a kick, then another.

“That’s enough.” Simon got between him and the bag, backing him off. “You don’t want an injury this close to the fight.”

Simon had no real idea what he wanted. Hell, Armie was starting to wonder himself. “If I can’t do this without getting hurt, how the hell do you expect me to go three rounds in the cage?”

Simon studied him. “Is there a specific reason why you’re hell-bent on pushing yourself?”

Yeah. He missed Rissy, missed her so bad it was like someone had torn out a vital organ. He ached for her all day, and nights were almost unbearable. Armie turned his back on Simon and headed to the corner to get a drink.

“Ignore him,” Cannon said. “He fucked up and he knows it and now he has to live with it.”

Great. So Cannon was done letting it slide?

Armie snorted at himself. Cannon hadn’t said much to him at all the past few days, but he’d sent him plenty of narrow-eyed stares. He’d gone from pitying Armie, worrying for him, to visibly struggling with his temper.

Armie knew he’d done the right thing, damn it.

But he’d expected—what? For Rissy to keep coming around anyway? For her to show up at the rec center and tempt him? For her to call?

For her to insist, again, that she wanted to be with him?

Yeah. That’s what he’d expected. He’d figured on having to be noble, on having to resist her.

But she’d walked out and that was that.

I love you.

He closed his eyes, and again he saw her face, the stoicism, the stark honesty.

I love you. Always have.

God, how he’d wanted to say it back. The words had burned in his throat.

But he wasn’t even sure he knew how to say them.

He loved Cannon as his friend, but guys didn’t go around spouting their feelings to each other.

It was so long ago, he could barely remember having said the words to his mom. He knew for certain he’d never said them to his dad.

And other women...? No.

Rissy was it for him.

So how could he take chances with her? Cannon, more than anyone else, should understand that. Jesus, he should never have started this craziness with the SBC. Or maybe with Rissy.

Probably with either one.

This wasn’t the life for him. He wasn’t meant for the big-time career or the happily-ever-after with a nicest-of-the-nice girl.

“You taking Rissy with you to the fight?” Denver asked Cannon, making Armie’s shoulders bunch so tightly that they ached.

“If she wants to go,” Cannon said. “So far she hasn’t said.”

“Maybe Leese will give her a ride,” Stack chimed in.

“I don’t think she feels welcome anymore,” Miles added.

And damn it, that last one hurt. Had he alienated Rissy from her family and closest friends? He’d rather lose an arm than do that.

“Don’t be an ass,” Brand said. “We all love her and she knows it.”

They spoke loudly just to needle him. And fuck them all, it worked.

Simon clapped him on the back, then bent close to talk privately. “That’s what’s eating at you? A breakup with Cannon’s sister?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I’m talking about you manning up, focusing on the fight and putting other considerations on hold for now.”

Armie laughed without humor. “Yeah? Were you able to do that with Dakota?”

Sighing, Simon said, “No.” After raking his gaze over Armie, he said, “That’s why I decided to marry her instead.”

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