Was she crazy about him?

As in still infatuated? Because that wasn’t anything new. Or did she mean crazy as in more? Since they’d hooked up and become an item, she hadn’t mentioned her feelings much. In a dozen different ways she showed she cared, but she hadn’t said it.

Did he want her to?

As if she felt him watching, she glanced at him. “What?”

Catching himself, Armie rolled from the bed. “Nothing.”

At least nothing he could admit to because he knew the truth; if he couldn’t resolve the threats soon, he might have to put some time and space between them. Someone was gunning for him and the only way to ensure she stayed out of the line of fire was to stay away from her.

But thinking that only made him need her more, so after they each said quick goodbyes to her brother and Leese, he hustled her out the door and to her car.

“In a hurry?” she asked.

“Yeah. See, I figured we’d get to chapter two of your book.”

Her eyes rounded and her face flushed.

That wasn’t embarrassment coloring her cheeks. Armie smiled at her.

After clearing her throat, she asked, “Chapter two?”

“Come on.” This was a conversation better made in private. After he got her in her car behind the wheel, he leaned in and fastened her seat belt. “That’s the chapter where you offer yourself, quietly, staying still, so I can do anything—and everything—I want with your body.”


“I’m thinking I’d like to start with you on your stomach.”

More breathless, she asked, “My stomach?”

“I like that idea.” Trailing a hand down to her hip, he murmured near her ear, “I could spend an hour on your ass.” She sucked in a breath and held still. “Then an hour on your tits.”

“Armie...” she whispered, sounding agonized.

“Then an hour—” He cupped his hand between her thighs and whispered, “—right here.”

Her eyes sank shut.

Knowing he played with fire, Armie stepped back. “I’ll be right behind you. Drive safely.” She said nothing more as he closed the door and walked to his truck.

Keeping his mind focused only on Rissy, which allowed him to block out everything else, he followed her to his apartment.

Déjà vu, he thought, watching as she parked in a rush and raced for his apartment.

He’d had a lot of women. Too many, truth be told. He’d done extreme things, some that he enjoyed, and some just for the experience of it.

Now, here with Rissy, it all faded away as unimportant. Nothing and no one could compare to her, especially when she wanted him, too.

With his problems temporarily on hold, Armie jogged after her. They went straight to bed, stripping off clothes along the way.

He wouldn’t—couldn’t—say the words, but in the ways he touched her he tried to show her how he cared, how he needed her.

How she meant the world to him.

While it lasted, he wanted to take all that he could, then give back more—even while knowing it’d never be enough.

* * *

AFTER CALLING MERISSA TWICE, and both times being roundly rejected, Steve wasn’t feeling very generous. As he walked, he worked his jaw, furious and fed up. Done playing her fucking games.

That’s why he set up another meeting with Keno and Boyd.

He checked the time on his cell and quickened his step.

To keep things secretive, they agreed to meet on the street near the park. The lights at night were low, the place abandoned. He rounded the corner and immediately spotted two large bodies near a bench. Just enough light touched on them for him to recognize Boyd sitting and Keno standing off to the side.

He slid his cell back into his pocket and approached them with a casual greeting. “Thanks for coming out.”

“No problem,” Boyd said, looking a little drunk and a lot lazy as he sprawled on the bench. “What’s up now?”

Steve looked around, saw no one, but still kept his voice low. “I need to make another run at her.”

“Her,” Boyd said, “meaning the banker lady?”

“Yes.” Who the fuck else would he mean?

“Why?” Sitting forward, elbows on his knees, Boyd said, “I thought your PI buddy was your go-to here on out.”

He should have been, but... “That’s not working out how I planned.”

“Why not?”

What was this? Fifty questions? He started to snap at Boyd, but Keno stood there looking suitably intimidating, so Steve sucked up his ire. “Armie Jacobson, the son of a bitch, is a damned rapist.” When the two men looked surprised, Steve nodded. “You believe that shit? I figured once Merissa found out, she’d run from him as fast as she could. Not that she’s a hard-core women’s libber or anything, but she’s damned independent and expects—”

“How do you know that?” Keno asked. “It’s a hell of an accusation, and if it’s true, why isn’t he rotting in prison?”

“He wormed out of it somehow. I don’t know the details. But I paid his old man to go tell Merissa. Only she’s still with him so I think the miserable old bum failed.”

“Or maybe she’s into that scene,” Boyd offered.

Steve huffed. “No, believe me, she’s not. Hell, she borders on being a damned prude.” He’d wanted to try different things, and she’d always refused. But Jacobson—that bastard had a rep that’d put a gigolo to shame. “Somehow he must’ve convinced her otherwise.” The note he’d left with Jacobson’s opponent might still sink the prick if the other guy took advantage of the info Steve had shared, but it probably wouldn’t do anything to deter Merissa. “I need to know she’s heard the truth. I have to drive it home to her.”

Somewhere off in the darkness, a bush rustled. They all three turned to look but the inky night swallowed up everything. Six feet beyond them, even their shadows faded into the blackness. When they heard nothing else, they each dismissed it.

“You were saying?” Keno prompted.

Steve looked at both men. “You up for another job?”

Arms folded over his chest, his eyes flinty, Keno stared him down.

They were alone in a dark, abandoned park and Steve didn’t like the open intimidation. He hardened his jaw and stared back. “What?”

“There’s something I want to know.” Lip lifted a little, Keno asked, “Why the lady? That particular lady? I get the bank robbery. There was cash to be made. But now? Hassling her for shits and giggles? What’s up with that?”

“She’s due a lesson—that’s all you need to know.”

“But you don’t want her hurt.”

Steve shoved away from the bench. “Because I’ll be the one to hurt her.”

At that, Boyd looked up. “You plan to beat her?”

“What?” God, they were awful men. Through his teeth, Steve said, “I don’t beat women.”

Keno looked at Boyd and together they laughed.

Affronted, Steve growled, “I’m going to hurt her in other ways.”

Tipping his head, Boyd asked, “Planning a little rape of your own?”

For the love of... Two calming breaths helped to moderate his tone. “We were together until she broke things off. I’d planned to marry that bitch eventually.”

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