Yes, she did see it now. “They’re both on the make, but in very different ways.”

“Justice just bulldozes forward. He scooped that woman into his lap and she hasn’t budged since.”

Merissa turned her head to see Leese at a small table with the blonde. He sat very near her, staring into her eyes, listening intently to whatever she said. And he kept touching her in small ways, like brushing his fingers over the back of her hand, or tucking her hair behind her ear. “Interesting.”

“So what does Armie like?”

Merissa lifted her brows in a “Really?” expression. From what she could tell, Armie liked sex—just about any way he could get it.

“Denver loves it when I nibble on him. His ear, or his neck, know.” Cherry sighed again. “And he loves it when I touch him and he’s not expecting it. Like the other morning, he’d just gotten out of bed and was stretching. Denver stretching is incredibly hot, so I reached around him and copped a feel. Let’s just say it was a good thing we’d gotten up early because he spent an hour showing how I’d fired him up.”

Even though it embarrassed her a little, Merissa whispered, “I wrote on Armie’s butt.”

Cherry’s eyes went wide, then she insisted, “Details!”

It was during the retelling that Merissa glanced up and again caught Armie watching her.

His look was so knowing, it was as if he’d overheard her talking. Which, of course, was impossible, given the distance between them and the noise level in the room.

When Armie shook hands with the men and pulled his jacket back on, Merissa rushed to tell Cherry, “I need to get going.”

“So early?”

“I have work tomorrow.”

“So do I,” Cherry said, “but it’s only eight-thirty.”

“Armie’s done.”

Cherry glanced at him, then back. “So tell him to join us.”

“Cherry,” she remonstrated. “I told you—he doesn’t want everyone to know we’re seeing each other.”

Cherry tucked in her chin. “I thought you meant the sex. But it all has to be secret?”

Unconcerned, Merissa shrugged. “We’re being discreet.”

Cherry’s narrowed gaze shifted to Armie again. “So you have to...what? Wait for him to leave then follow ten steps behind?”

That gave her pause. “You’re making it sound really bad.”

Rushing to reassure her, Cherry said, “No, not bad at all. I’m happy for you, you know that. It’s just—” she shrugged “—dumb. Our friends are all going to know—not that I’ll go blabbing or anything. But do you really think you can keep it secret, even from Cannon?”

Merissa bit her lip. “I don’t know.” But for now, she didn’t want to do anything that might drive Armie away. “For now, being with him is enough. You know?”

“I do.” Eyes full of concern, Cherry took her hand. “Maybe if you keep having awesome sex, the rest will fall into place?”

“I hope so.”

“It worked wonderfully for Denver and me.”

“What,” Armie asked from the side of the table, “worked for you two?”

Taken by surprise, Cherry blurted, “Great sex,” and then she realized Denver stood with Armie, looking even more shocked than she had. She covered her face. “Oh God.”

Armie grinned, Denver sighed and Merissa lost it.

She started laughing, and almost couldn’t stop.

* * *

“GET IT TOGETHER, STRETCH.” Seeing Rissy’s hilarity kept the smile on Armie’s face. He turned to Denver. “Apparently your skills have left her hysterical.”

“Armie.” With her face bright pink, Cherry looked up at her stern husband. “You’re wonderful in bed. You know that.”

Rissy broke out into new guffaws, making Armie shake his head.

“Rissy,” Cherry hissed while giving Denver an apologetic smile. “Stop it.”

Hand over her mouth, shoulders shaking, Rissy tried. “Sorry,” she snickered between her fingers. “It’s just with what she was saying—”

“Cherry Pie,” Armie teased, using his pet name for her. “Were you gossiping about sex?” He shifted his gaze to Rissy. She, too, went red. “Comparing notes, maybe?”

“Um...” Cherry choked, glanced at Denver’s scowl and started her own nervous giggle. “Mostly I was bragging.”

Denver shook his head. “I think Armie is rubbing off on you.”

“There’s a visual,” Armie said. “But no, I haven’t. Swear.”

“You—” Denver reached for him.

Armie ducked away, laughing. “You said it, not me.”

When Cherry chuckled, Denver took her by her upper arms, lifted her from her chair and kissed her.

Brows up, Rissy watched the public display.

Armie nudged her. “No longer taking notes?”

She shook her head.

“Denver is a possessive ape.” Armie said it loud enough for Denver to hear.

When his friend finally let up, Cherry was limp in his arms, so Denver gave him a triumphant smile. “Whatever works.”

Still looking sappy, Cherry sent her elbow into his gut, making Denver grunt.

“Yeah,” Armie said. “Clearly a good boning has turned her into a pacifist.”

Laughing, Denver pulled Cherry in for a hug and said with humor, “Now, let’s don’t get carried away.”

Watching them with admiration, Rissy sighed. Armie saw the wistful, almost-sad smile on her face. Is that what she wanted? The same comfortable, easy, funny relationship that Denver and Cherry had? He had to admit they were great together.

Could he ever make Rissy that happy?

Pulling on her coat, trying, and failing, to sound blasé, Rissy announced, “I need to get going.”

Since Denver and Cherry both watched him, Armie couldn’t say any of the things he wanted to. Like, I’ll be right behind you.

Or, Go to my place and get naked.

And, Wait for me in bed.

Resisting the urge to clear his throat of guilt, Armie said, “I’ll walk her out.”

“Uh-huh.” A beefy arm over Cherry’s shoulders, Denver eyed Armie. “That’s a euphemism, right? What the cool kids are calling it these days?”

“Fuck you.”

Cherry laughed at him.

Denver just shook his head in a pitying way. “Go on.”

Okay, so he wasn’t fooling anyone. It was about more than their close friends. The bar was crowded, people snapping pics left and right, and he didn’t want rumors started about him being with Rissy. Given his rep, and his background, she’d get shredded.

It was part of why he’d always steered clear.

Rissy suddenly looked undecided and uncomfortable.

Unfortunately, just then, Havoc called him over. When Armie looked, he saw some adoring fans—a guy and his girlfriend, apparently. They looked hopeful for yet another photo. They were supposed to be done now, but yeah, he hated to disappoint anyone. Pasting on a false smile, Armie sent Havoc a thumbs-up to let him know he’d be right there.

He grumbled under his breath until Rissy gave a push to his shoulder. “Go. Please the masses.” Copyright 2016 - 2024