“You still wet, babe?  Or do you need me to take care of that again?”

“You have no idea how wet I am for you right now.”

He was still sliding his hand up and down his cock; there was no way I wasn’t wet but he cocked his head to the side and said, “I need you to show me.  Dip your finger in your pussy and touch yourself.  Then I want to lick your fingers.”

Oh. My. God.  Scott had the dirtiest mouth I’d ever had the good fortune of listening to.  Without moving my eyes from his, I slipped a finger into my pussy, and then slowly pleasured myself for a minute.  Then I pulled it out and rolled onto my side so I was closer to the edge of the bed where he was standing.  I reached my hand out so that he could bend down and take my finger in his mouth.  He took it all the way in and licked it with his tongue before sliding it back out.  We didn’t lose eye contact once while this all happened.

“Told you I was wet for you,” I purred.

He’d been going pretty slowly all night, but his patience snapped at my words and he moved quickly onto the bed.  In one swift movement, he had me on my stomach and he was kneeling on top of me.  He pulled my hips up off the bed until I was on my hands and knees.  Leaning over me, he whispered in my ear, “You ready for my cock now, sweetheart?”

I didn’t answer him, just nodded.  He moved back and positioned himself behind me.  Holding onto my hips his cock hit my entrance but he didn’t enter me completely straight away.  He teased me instead, circling himself over my pussy.  It was maddening and I pushed back, hoping to take his cock deep inside.

“Greedy.  I fuckin’ love greedy,” he grunted, and thrust hard and fast inside me.  Finally.

His cock filled me and I was in a state of bliss as he thrust in and out, gaining speed as he went.  His hands remained on my hips in a firm grasp as he brought me to another orgasm.  I squeezed my eyes shut and white lights flashed as I came and screamed his name.

“Fuck babe, I’m gonna come hard.  Your pussy is so fuckin’ sweet,” he grit out just before he lost himself in an orgasm.

I was spent.  Waiting until he was finished, I barely held myself up.  As soon as I knew he was done, I collapsed onto the bed and lay sprawled on my stomach.  He followed closely behind and lay next to me, his hand lazily reaching out and wrapping around my waist.  I tried desperately to keep my eyes open but eventually gave in and closed them.  My last thought was that my one night with Scott Cole had been so worth it.

Chapter 21


I checked the time again.  It was eight am and Harlow was still asleep.  I’d been up for an hour now and was showered and ready for the day.  For the past five minutes I’d been standing here watching her sleep, remembering how good it felt to fuck her.  She’d gotten under my skin; no other woman had ever made me feel the things I was feeling.  I had no idea where we’d go next but what I did know was that I had to get back inside her.  Soon.

I was concerned that she might be needed at work this morning so I reluctantly sat on the side of the bed and gently woke her up.  It took a couple of minutes but she eventually rolled onto her back and opened her eyes.

“Morning,” I smiled at her.  Fuck, she was beautiful.  My eyes roamed over her body while she woke up some more.  A fuckin’ glorious sight to start the day with.

“Hi,” she said, hesitantly.

I wasn’t sure what the hesitation was all about but chose to ignore it for now.  “You sleep well?”

“Yes, thanks,” she replied in a quiet voice.

Fuck, it was like the Harlow who’d screamed my name last night was gone and had been replaced with someone who wasn’t familiar with my cock.  I was about to find out what the fuck was going on when my phone rang.  I pulled it out of my pocket to see who it was.  Shit, it was Griff.

“Sorry, I need to take this,” I apologised, holding up my phone.

She nodded and I left the room to talk to Griff.  “What’s up, Griff?”  This had better be important because it was dragging me away from the sweetest pussy I’d ever had in my life.

“The meeting with Bullet is in an hour.  I just got word.”

“At Gerry’s?”

“Yeah, brother.  I’ll see you there,” he said, and disconnected the call.

I walked back down the hall and into my bedroom.  Harlow was no longer in my bed.  Figuring she was in the bathroom, I headed into the kitchen and put the kettle on to make her a coffee.  She joined me about five minutes later, dressed in shorts that barely covered her ass and the tightest fuckin’ tank top I’d ever seen.  I was instantly hard.

“Fuck, babe.  You’re killing me here,” I said as I handed her a coffee.

“Why?” she asked as she reached up and pulled her hair into a ponytail.  I wasn’t interested in her hair as much as her tits that jiggled with her arm movements.

“Seriously?  You come out here wearing that and you don’t know what it does to a man?”  And that right fucking there was what turned me on the most about her.  If I had the time, I’d rip those shorts off and show her just what the fuck she was doing to me.

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” she said as she winked at me.  Then she took a sip of coffee and asked me, “Can you drop me off at the café?”

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