He chuckled, his breath sizzling over her bare neck just before he pressed his mouth to her nape, sending chill bumps racing down her spine. “Oh, you’re drunk. And you’re cute as hell. I’m going to fuck your mouth, your pussy and that sweet ass. If you pass out on me, I’m not going to be pleased.”

She closed her eyes, weaving unsteadily until he caught her shoulders and pulled her back against his chest as he let her dress fall to the floor. No way in hell she was going to miss this.

“Love the lingerie,” he whispered as he nuzzled just behind her ear. “Love those heels even more. And yeah, I’m absolutely going to fuck you in them.”

A low whimper of need welled in her throat.

“Don’t see any reason to tie you up tonight,” he said in amusement. “You’re as helpless as a kitten. I’m liking it. I’m thinking a regular girls’ night out would be a very good thing.”

He unfastened her bra and lowered the straps down her arms before tossing it aside. Then he turned her around to face him and backed her slowly to the bed until she bumped into the mattress. He eased her down and with a firm hand pushed her until she was lying on her back, her legs hanging over the edge.

Leaning over, he kissed just below her navel, above the thin band of her panties, and then he hooked his thumbs into the lace and yanked, rending the material in two, baring her pussy to his glittering gaze. He reached down, curling his fingers around her ankles, and pulled upward, bending her knees. Then his fingers glided over the spikes of her heels, gripping them as he spread her farther.

“I’ve been bad,” she said in a pouty voice.

His eyebrows rose and his eyes twinkled in amusement. “Oh really,” he drawled.

She nodded solemnly. “Very bad,” she whispered as though it were a secret.

Then her brow crinkled and she pursed her lips.

“I probably need to be punished.”

Jace looked down, his lips twitching as he watched a wide range of expressions cross her face. She was adorably cute and very drunk. And he was turned on as hell.

“What pray tell have you done that warrants punishment?”

“I flirted,” she said in a hushed tone. Then she frowned. “No, wait. I didn’t flirt.” She shook her head adamantly, her breasts jiggling in a supremely tempting fashion. She leaned up, her expression turning serious. “Guys flirted with me, though. But Brandon and Gabe wouldn’t let anyone get close. But me and Mia were naughty. We danced and it was hot.”

He pressed his lips more firmly together to keep the laughter back.

“That deserves punishment, right?”

She sounded so damn hopeful that he lost the battle and laughed.

Her eyes narrowed and she glared up at him. “It’s not funny,” she huffed. “I was a very bad girl, and bad girls are supposed to be punished.”

He nodded. “Can’t argue that, baby.”

She immediately brightened and he shook his head, more laughter threatening to bubble out of his chest.

“You should probably spank me,” she said, adopting a look of utter seriousness.

He slid his hands down the insides of her legs, and she shivered, chill bumps racing over her skin.

“I’m a little conflicted,” he said, adopting a mock serious tone to match hers. “You’ve indeed been a very bad girl, but you’ve also been very, very good.”

Her lips twisted into another pout and he leaned down, kissing those delectable lips.

“I think the solution is to punish you first and then reward you.”

“Oh, that’s a perfect idea,” she said in a breathy voice that hitched with excitement.

“Up on your knees, baby,” he ordered in a tone he knew she’d respond to.

Her pupils flared and heat flushed her cheeks. Her eyes darkened immediately and her nipples puckered. Hell, he hadn’t even begun yet and just his promise of what was to come had her entire body reacting. She was fucking perfect. Perfect for him. Made for him. He’d never have another woman that could come as close to matching him as she did.

She struggled upward and then a wide, goofy grin split her lips, making him want to take her mouth and ravage it. He grasped her wrists and helped her to a sitting position and then she clumsily turned to get on her hands and knees. She fell flat on her face and a giggle erupted, her entire body shaking. Her ass quivered and his dick hardened to the point of bursting. Oh yeah, he was going to have her mouth, her pussy and that sweet ass, and he was going to fuck her until they both passed out.

When he got her into position, she fidgeted impatiently, turning to look at him over her shoulder. And those eyes glowed with lust and excitement. His hands shook and he clung to his control with a frayed thread.

“So what’s it going to be, baby?” he asked in a silky, teasing tone he knew would drive her crazy. “My hand? The crop? Or . . . we could try something new.”

She went utterly still. “New?” It came out in a breathy sigh filled with anticipation.

“I haven’t used a belt and I haven’t used wood. I have a pliable wood paddle. It has just the right amount of snap and it’ll redden that beautiful ass until it glows.”

“Oh,” she whispered, the word coming out as a soft moan.

“Your choice, baby,” he murmured. “I’ll give that to you. Let you decide tonight. I’m in a particularly generous mood. Because, honey? When I’m done reddening that ass, I’m going to eat that delicious pussy and you’re going to come all over my tongue. But I won’t be done then. Not by a long shot. Because after I make you come, I’m going to fuck your mouth. Then I’m going to fuck that pussy and then I’m going to fuck your ass until you come screaming my name.”

“Oh my God.”

He smiled and stroked lovingly over her ass, anticipation building with every second he waited for her response.

“The w-wood,” she husked out. “I want the wood.”

“Excellent,” he purred. “Very good choice. So good that your reward will be extra nice. You please me very much, Bethany.”

She went soft under his touch, her entire body going lax as her sigh of contentment filled his ears. She turned and looked at him again, her gaze so sweet and loving that his heart clenched.

He leaned down and kissed the dimple just above the crease of her ass. “Be right back, love.”

He fetched the thin paddle from his closet and took his time walking back across the room to the bed, savoring the sight of her on hands and knees, ass perched enticingly in the air as she waited for him. He caressed one ass cheek and then stroked over the other until she arched into his touch and quivered beneath his fingers.

“Give me your pain. Give me your pleasure,” he growled. “I want it all, Bethany. Every sound. Every reaction. I want all of you.”

He snapped the paddle across her ass and she flinched, emitting a gasp of surprise. He smiled. It wasn’t a sound of pain. It was a sound of discovery. Experiencing something new.

He popped again, a little harder this time, and then inflicted one on the other cheek. A red, rosy glow shimmered, turning the skin pink. The contrast between the pale areas he hadn’t yet touched and the spots he’d struck was enticing. He couldn’t wait to redden her entire ass.

But he paced himself, wanting them both to experience ultimate pleasure from the moment.

“Ten,” he whispered. “I’m giving you ten. This is new for you, baby. I don’t want to overwhelm you. Just give you a taste. Count them out for me. Start at one now.”

He cracked the wood over the fleshiest part of her ass, satisfaction gripping him when the red immediately popped.


It came out as a moan that made his balls ache.

“Two,” she whispered.

He made himself slow when he realized how quickly he’d administered the third, fourth, fifth and sixth blows. She tensed in anticipation, waiting for the seventh, but he smoothed his hand over her reddened ass, petting and soothing.

“Please,” she begged.

He gave her what she asked for. Seven. Eight. Nine and then ten, featherlight, much softer than the others. She sagged downward and then she turned her face, gazing at him with drunk, drowsy eyes that were now intoxicated with far more than alcohol. She was high on lust and the haze brought on by that edgy line between pain and pleasure. She’d slipped beyond the here and now and he wanted to bring her back down just so he could work her up in an entirely different manner this time.

“Turn over, baby.”

He held his hands out to guide her as she unsteadily turned, falling onto her back, a dreamy smile curving her luscious mouth.

“Gonna have to be bad more often,” she purred. “Had fun and then got to come home to you. Best night ever.”

His heart went soft and he leaned down to gather her in his arms, wanting to hold her before he did anything else.

“You’ll always come home to me.”

“Yeah,” she said in contentment.

“Love hearing you say that, baby.”

She smiled and reached up to brush his hair from his forehead. Then she tipped her mouth up for his kiss and he took the silent invitation, feasting greedily on her lips. Tasting her. Making love to her mouth just like he was going to feast on her pussy.

“You sobering up yet?”

She shook her head, opening her eyes so he could see they were still fuzzy with the remnants of alcohol and the haze of pleasure. There wasn’t a better look on a woman. Drunk on pleasure. Dreamy. Looking at him like he was the only man in her world. Like there’d never been another.

“Going to eat that pussy now,” he growled against her mouth.


Her excited gasp escaped into his mouth and he swallowed it up, inhaling her deep into his lungs, savoring her there at the very heart of him.

“Prop those sexy heels up on the bed and grab your knees and hold on. Spread yourself and don’t move your hands. Open yourself for me, baby. I’m feeling greedy tonight and I want you to come all over my tongue.”

She arched her body and awkwardly propped her feet on the bed, digging the spiked heels into the mattress. Hell, she’d probably put holes in it but he didn’t give a fuck. He’d buy a new bed tomorrow. The fantasy of fucking her in those heels like she’d wanted so badly was worth the cost of a new mattress. Later he wanted to have her hold the heels of the shoes all spread out while he fucked her ass. Oh yeah, definitely worth whatever damage they did to the bed.

Her hands cupped her knees and she shyly spread her thighs, pushing her legs outward until her pussy lips opened, baring her glistening flesh. The contrast of the dark curls and the puffy pink flesh, moist with her juices, made his mouth water. He knelt on the floor so his head was at a perfect angle and he moved in, dying to fuck her with his tongue.

The moment he licked her, she bucked upward and cried out his name.

“Hands, baby,” he commanded. “Keep your hands on your knees and keep yourself spread for me.”

She opened farther for him and he took a long, leisurely swipe with his tongue from her entrance up to her clit, where he toyed and teased, running a lazy circle around the taut nub before flicking it over and over with the tip of his tongue.

She squirmed and fidgeted, but she kept her hands on her knees and she kept her thighs splayed wide.

She got wetter as he ate her, grazing his teeth ever so lightly back down to her opening. He tongue-fucked her, pushing in, licking from the inside out, sucking in her taste and the sweetness of her arousal.

“This is the sweet, baby. You took the pain, now take the sweet.”

“Jace,” she whispered. “Don’t you know? Everything you give me is the sweetest pleasure I’ve ever known. The pain is pleasure. The pleasure is pleasure. Your love is more than I could have ever dreamed of.”

Her words were earnest and so damn sweet that they took his breath away. He tasted her. Ate her. Drank from her and still he wanted more. He wanted to give this to her. Wanted to make it last. Wanted her crazy with lust and high on more than just alcohol.

“I want your cock,” she said, the words thick and clumsy. He didn’t know if it was the alcohol slowing her or if it was her intense arousal and need.

He glanced up and then grinned when he took in her unfocused gaze. She was staring hard at him but she looked to be having difficulty directing her stare where she wanted. So damn cute.

“You’ll get my cock, baby, just as soon as I get you off. You’re going to get a damn lot of my dick before we’re done tonight.”

“Oh yum,” she said with a cheeky grin. “I want to taste you like you’re tasting me.”

He groaned. Alcohol definitely made her less inhibited. She was adorably shy, but tonight the alcohol had given her liquid courage and he may not survive it. He was already about to come in his pants, and he was nowhere near inside her yet.

He had to pace himself. It was something he constantly had to remind himself or else he’d toss those killer heels over his shoulders and fuck her brains out right here and now. And if she knew what he was thinking, she’d be encouraging him to do just that. Tonight she was an impatient, greedy wench and he loved it.

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