His palm rubbed over her ass and then his other hand joined, caressing and then spreading her with both hands until her pussy was spread wide.

He positioned himself at her opening but paused, holding the tip barely inside.

“I’m not going to be easy,” he warned. “Want you too much, baby. I’m having some pretty dark, caveman thoughts at the moment. This is going to be fucking. Crude, down-and-dirty hard fucking. When I’m done, then and only then, am I going to take care of you. But you don’t come until then. This is for me. After is for you.”

Before she could even process his statement, he drove deep, thrusting inside in one forceful lunge that took her breath away. Her entire pussy quivered and tingled. Arousal hummed through her veins. Need, craving, stronger than any need for a fix she’d ever experienced. How was she supposed to get through this without orgasming? She was ready to come now. Not whenever he finished slaking his own desires and tended to her afterward.

He gave her a warning smack on the ass when she shook uncontrollably.

“Get it under control, baby. You don’t come yet. Disobey me and I’ll forget all about taking things slow and I’ll put a crop to your ass.”

She groaned in frustration. Instead of dissuading her, his warning only fueled the fires of her lust and she edged ever closer to ultimate release.

She bit into her lip and closed her eyes, focusing intensely on not giving in to her orgasm. It was the hardest thing she’d ever attempted. She was unbelievably aroused and every thrust sent ripples of pleasure cascading through her body.

“Want that ass too,” he growled. “But I’m too close. I’ll fuck it another time.”

Thank God. She wouldn’t last even a minute longer and he was thrusting harder now, growing even larger as he swelled and tightened within her. She squeezed her eyes shut and tightened every muscle in her body to ward off her orgasm. Relief rushed through her veins when he leaned into her, his body covering hers, and his semen began to coat the walls of her pussy.

She sagged over the end of the couch feeling wrung out, and she hadn’t even orgasmed. If he so much as touched her, it would be over. Every nerve ending was short-circuiting. Her skin was hypersensitive. Her clit ached and twitched. Just one touch. All he had to do was reach down and touch her and she’d find relief.

She sighed in frustration. She was so on edge that her skin felt alive. Like it was crawling and trying to turn itself inside out.

He pressed a kiss between her shoulder blades and then gently eased out of her body.

“Don’t move,” he commanded.

She heard his footsteps move away and become more distant. A moment later he returned with a warm washcloth and wiped the semen from between her legs. Then he carefully untied her wrists and rubbed the tender skin with his thumbs.

“Go in the bathroom and get cleaned up,” he directed. “Not a fan of tasting myself when I’m eating you, baby. When you come out, I’ll be waiting on the bed. I want you to sit on my face while I lick that sweet pussy.”

He helped her to her feet and she wobbled on unsteady legs to the bathroom to do as he’d told her. She carefully cleaned herself, taking special care to remove all the stickiness. When she walked back into the bedroom, he was sprawled naked on the bed, his cock lying to one side over his thigh, only semi-erect now.

He was still beautiful and his cock was still damn impressive, even at rest.

He crooked his finger at her, motioning her over to the bed. He held out his hand to help her climb up and then he scooted down so his feet hung off the bed.

“Crawl up and put your knees on either side of my head,” he said.

It was ridiculous for her to be shy, but she was a little mortified to be climbing up, bold as you please, in order to sit on his face so his mouth was pressed to her pussy.

She rocked up on her knees so she was still several inches from his mouth. When she started to lower herself, he put a hand to her waist to stop her.

“Use your hand and spread your pussy lips for me,” he said huskily. “I want my tongue over every inch and I want you to come all over my face.”

She sucked in a huge, steadying breath, but she was a wreck after all that had gone on in the living room and now his blunt, evocative words cut right to her core and sparked instant arousal.

She tentatively slid her hand down her belly and then into the curls between her legs, finding the plump folds. Her finger rubbed over her clit and she moaned.

“I can smell how turned on you are,” Jace growled. “So fucking sexy. Spread for me, baby. Can’t wait to taste you.”

She parted her lips with her fingers and held herself open before lowering herself those last few inches. The instant she made contact with his tongue, she jerked and bucked upward. He grasped her hips with both hands, his grip hard, and slammed her back down onto his mouth.

He ate her like a man starving. Licking, feasting, sucking, sliding his tongue inside her and over all parts in-between her entrance and her clit. He worked her into a mindless frenzy, until she rode his face like she was taking his cock.

But then he slid his fingers between her ass cheeks and parted her just as she’d parted her pussy lips. His index finger inched closer to her anal opening, teasing and rimming the entrance. He pushed in the barest amount. Not even an inch. Just the tip of his finger, but it was enough to send her hurtling right over the edge.

She exploded into his mouth, drenching his lips and chin with a sudden flood of moisture. She bucked and writhed, wanting more of his mouth. Wanting those wicked fingers. Wanting everything he had to give her.

She sagged downward, her muscles going completely lax, and then she realized to her embarrassment that she was probably smothering him. She jerked upward, but he caught her hips and settled her down just below his chin so his mouth was pressed to her belly.

Her fluids glistened on his lips and his chin, and he licked his tongue over his lips, removing the traces of her release. It was insanely provocative and arousing to watch a man who greatly enjoyed going down on a woman. He looked satisfied and supremely smug, like the cat who got the cream. And, well, she supposed he had.

“Come here,” he murmured, pulling her down so she was cradled in his arms, resting firmly against his chest. He rolled until they were side by side, her tucked into his neck, his hands possessively gripping her ass.

“Christmas is in a few days.”

She propped her head up, because this was an abrupt change in topic and it made her wary. But he pulled her back down, holding her so her face was once again buried in his neck.

“Like you like this,” he rumbled out. “Touching me. So close you’re melted on my skin. Like a permanent tattoo. I like wearing you and nothing else.”

She smiled against his neck.

“My baby likes that,” he said smugly.

“Yeah, I like,” she breathed.

“Anyway, as I was saying, Christmas is coming up shortly. We’re spending it at Gabe and Mia’s, and Gabe’s parents will be there, as will Ash. You have a closet full of clothes but I want you to choose what you wear.”

She stiffened in surprise. This wasn’t one of their agreements. He made all the decisions. Even the insignificant ones like what she wore outside the apartment. Now for general errands, slumming around the house, running down to the market for something, she wore whatever. But when they went out for any reason together, he chose her clothing, and she had to admit he had impeccable taste.

“I want you to be comfortable and confident,” he said in a low voice. “And if you don’t have anything in your closet that’s going to work for you and make you feel those two things then I want you to go out and buy something. No argument. You have credit cards. You have cash. It’s about damn time you start using them.”

“Thank you,” she whispered. “Not for offering to buy me new stuff. I’m sure I have plenty to choose from in that huge closet. I have stuff that still has the tags on it! But thank you for making such an effort for me not to feel awkward.”

He squeezed her to him. “Don’t want you in any situation that you don’t feel good in, baby. So get what you need. Pick out something that makes you feel good.”

She raised her head despite his effort to keep holding her against his chest and she kissed him hard, wrapping her arms around his neck as she slid her tongue over his.

“You’re so good to me, Jace,” she said quietly. “But I thank God every single day for you.”

Chapter twenty-four

Bethany’s anxiety was through the roof. She’d dressed with extreme care because she didn’t want to disappoint Jace in front of his family. There had been plenty of outfits to choose from in her closet, many, as she’d told Jace that still had the tags, unworn as of yet. She’d chosen a sparkly silver cocktail dress because it seemed festive and appropriate for Christmas, and after debating and a huge amount of guilt, she’d bought matching sparkly silver heels to go with it.

Jace had sensed her anxiety and had gone to great lengths to reassure her. As she’d been in the bathroom putting her hair up in a silver clip that matched her dress, he’d come in and slipped a beautiful diamond necklace around her neck and fastened it while she stood gaping in the mirror.

“Jace!” she protested. “This is too much!”

He grinned and pressed a kiss to her neck just underneath her ear and then reached around her, holding a box with a matching pair of earrings.

“Then you’ll definitely think this is too much, but deal with it, baby. Can’t have my woman going to Christmas with my family and them thinking I don’t spoil you ridiculously. I’ll lose all credibility. So put them on. I like seeing my jewelry on you. And you look beautiful without it, but I want you to feel just as beautiful as I see you. There isn’t a woman alive who doesn’t love diamonds. You can’t be the exception here.”

Put that way, there wasn’t a whole lot she could say.

He kissed her again and then patted her affectionately on the ass. “Need to leave in five minutes, so put a move on it.”

She sighed as he left and then caught her reflection in the mirror as she fumbled with the box so she could slip the earrings in her ears. She was smiling. Happy. Her eyes warm with a contented glow. He always knew just how to make her feel more at ease. Not that she wasn’t still a nervous wreck.

Christmas was a holiday she’d never really marked. In the beginning, particularly the first year she and Jack had been homeless, Jack had tried his best to infuse the occasion with holiday cheer. He’d gotten a shrub, which they’d decorated and set up in their tiny corner of a deserted park using discarded wrapping paper from a nearby shop.

They’d fashioned bows, little stars and a few other shapes that couldn’t exactly be classified as recognizable symbols of Christmas, but Bethany had loved Jack for the effort he’d made. He’d also managed Christmas dinner, though he’d never told her how and she hadn’t asked.

Where was he today? It was cold and snow had begun falling, covering the sidewalks in a white blanket. Did he have a place to stay? Was he warm? Did he have anything to eat?

She felt extremely guilty as Jace ushered her into his waiting car, warm and comfortable, on their way to Gabe’s apartment, where they’d eat, enjoy time with Jace’s loved ones and celebrate the holiday. She was well taken care of. Jace had seen to her every need. And Jack was out there alone for the first time in all the years he and Bethany had been together.

She put a hand to her hair for the sixth time since they’d left her apartment, worried that the careful arrangement would plummet down her neck at any moment.

Jace put his arm around her, pulling her to him so he could kiss her temple. “You look gorgeous,” he murmured. “Stop worrying. You’ll love them and they’ll love you.”

She smiled—or rather, she tried to. It was bad enough she was meeting his sister, her fiancé who also happened to be Jace’s other best friend and business partner, and Gabe’s parents, but Ash would also be there. This would be the first time she’d seen him since that night of their threesome and her stomach was in knots over it all.

How awkward would it be to exchange pleasantries with a man who’d fucked her with Jace? Jace couldn’t be any more comfortable with it than she was. He’d made his feelings very clear on the matter. He didn’t even like to discuss it, and so she’d avoided the issue, adopting firm denial that it had ever happened.

That would all change tonight.

And then another thought struck her. One that horrified her. What if the others knew that she’d slept with both Jace and Ash?


Jace’s soft voice broke into her thoughts and she turned in his direction.

“You’re tying yourself into knots over nothing.”

He squeezed her hand and then brought it up to his mouth to kiss. He kissed every single one of her fingers, prying them loose from the fist she’d formed.

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