Kiss? Better not.

Dam! No kiss.

Imogene's initial impression was compact but luxurious without going over the top. Classy and discrete. Just like it's owner. Padded bench seats surrounded the upper deck except for the molded chairs facing the control panel with its mind boggling array of screens, meters and switches. Between the chairs a hutch was open revealing steps leading below.

Imogen couldn't help herself, she wanted to explore. Descending the steps she was met by a neat kitchen to one side and an eating nook and door on the other. What grabbed her attention though was the queen size bed which dominated the curved space of the bow seen through a connecting door. It was covered in a soft chamois powder blue doona cover with matching pillows and cushions. A nice compromise between a mans choice and her own.

Don't go there. 'What do you think of my new toy? Want to play?' Ethan's seductive voice over her shoulder stopped her going there, but only just.

While dropping the painful accent Ethan unwittingly used Darlene's disparaging term for the boat.

'It's marvelous, Ethan. You'll have so much fun with it.' Ethan seemed to frown at her choice of words. 'Can it go into the open water?'

'We can go anywhere you want to.'

Imogen hoped the double entendre was only in her mind though his lazy smile suggested it wasn't.

Still fighting the pull of his breath on the back of her neck, the heat warming her spine and the honey in his drawl Imogen asked 'Where are you off to then?'

'We are going up the Hawkesbury. The forecast is for fine boating weather for the rest of the day.'

Still unsure of her place in the scheme of things Imogen persisted. 'Chloe will love it but have you got a lifejacket for her. She'll have to wear it as you can't steer and keep an eye on her all the time.'

On a deep sigh Ethan gently turned her using one finger on her chin and bent down to peer keenly into her trapped gaze.

'Imogene. I would love you to join me- er, us for the day.'

Imogen felt her chest squeeze until she could hardly breathe in the time it took for Ethan to move closer. A slow breath escaped once she realized he wasn't going to touch her once his finger had left her chin and surely a burn mark and his question crystallized in the mush that was her brain.

'What?...Oh! Yes, I'd-love to.' Imogen hastily squeezed past Ethan since although the downstairs was spacious his towering bulk suffocated. 'I need though to change and gather a few things for the day.' She fled up the stairs and dragged in some badly needed oxygen. Copyright 2016 - 2024