The storm had now abated, and the moon shone brightly upon the cold, frosty snow, as they sped along, Morris' bells tinkling in the clear cutting air, and occasionally waking some light sleeper, who knew those musical bells, and said: "That is the doctor," wondering who was sick, and as they nestled down again in their warm bed, feeling glad that they were not obliged to be abroad in a wintry night like this. There was no one at the West Silverton depot except the man who always stayed there, and he was too nearly asleep to notice whether it was one or twenty ladies whom Morris accompanied into the sitting-room, going next to provide for his horse at the hotel nearby.

This done he came back to Katy, staying by her until the early train came swiftly in, pausing only for a moment, and when next it moved forward, bearing him and Katy on the strange journey to New York. Copyright 2016 - 2025