“It is naughty. We could get caught.”

“That just makes it even more fun.” She lifts my shirt up and off, pushes at my open pants to free more of my cock.

I lift up and wiggle my jeans under my ass. Lift her by the hips, lean in to suck her hardened nipple into my mouth. She moans, lets her head hang back on her shoulders, writhing into my mouth, moving her wet slit against my aching cock.

Just before I slide into her, I pause and groan. “We don’t have a condom. I didn’t bring any. They’re in my bag at home.”

Kylie grips my shoulders with clawing fingers, lifts higher, and impales herself on me. “It’s fine. I’m on the pill. I can’t wait. I need this, Oz. You don’t even know how bad I need this.”

I bite the round of her shoulder, growling. “Fuck, Kylie. I think I do. I need it just as bad. I just don’t want to make any mistakes.”

She sinks down so we’re flush. “Nothing about us could ever be a mistake. Nothing. Oh, god, oh, god. Yeah, Oz, just like that.”

I push up with my hips, grinding into her. She’s riding me hard, rolling her pu**y onto me, deep and fast. No finesse, no gentility, just my mouth on her tits and her hands gouging reddened claw marks in my skin, her moans loud and unbridled, our bodies merging. There’s nothing between us, just my flesh and hers, her wet slick heat clinging to my cock, her embrace around me, her tits bouncing beautifully with our motion. This, us bare to each other, there’s never been anything better, no intimacy more profound than this.

I hold onto her ass, slip my fingers into the crease, clutching the firm hot globes and lifting her, letting her fall. She moves, groans, rests her forehead against mine, pushing down on my shoulders to lift up. By accident, my middle finger slides in a little too far, touches her tight little ass**le. I feel her muscles clench, her body freeze, her breath cut in, sharp and surprised.

“Oz…oh, god, Oz. What are you doing?” She pulls away enough to meet my eyes.

I start to move my hands. “I’m sorry, babe, I didn’t mean to—”

She sinks down, pinioning my hands between her ass and my thighs. “Wait…just—it just took me by surprise.” She lifts up, eyes on me. “Try it, Oz. Just—just a little.”

“Wait, what? You want me to…”

“Just touch me there. Just a little bit.” She’s breathless. I hesitate, and then wiggle my middle finger. Just a tiny, slight pressure. She tenses, shifts up, and then arches her back, and I feel her relax. I apply gentle pressure, and tight warmth pinches the tip of my finger. “Yeah—oh—oh, yeah. Oh, f**k, Oz. I—I like that. I like it, just like that.”

She lifts up, sinks down, and my hand stays flush against her ass cheek, and she moans, writhes on me. Her moans become shrieks, and her grinding on me becomes frantic. I can only move with her, keep us balanced, let her do the work. I can’t even breathe, can’t even believe she’s doing this, letting me touch her like this, and how much she likes it. She’s rolling hard and fast, wild, screaming. The quiet is sliced by her voice, by mine now grunting and growling and cursing and murmuring her name, and I feel the tight heat around my finger pinch, release, pinch, release, pulsating, and then she’s lifting and sinking with manic, rhythmless frenzy.

The stars themselves brighten above me, and the moon fills out, and the earth rumbles, and I come apart inside her as she screams with deafening volume, and the tip my finger is almost crushed by the way her body clenches around me, and we’re moving, moving…the sky shatters and the planets wobble in their orbits.

Kylie rests her mouth against my shoulder, gasping. “Oh, my f**king god, Oz. I came so hard it literally hurt. I can’t—it’s hard to breathe. I can’t move. Oh, god. You just killed me, baby.”

The starlight coats her pale skin silver, and I can only marvel, wonder, hold her and hope she never stops wanting me. Words tumble in my head. Emotions whirl, collide. A thought hammers in my head, demanding release. But the fear of what it means, of saying it, of meaning it, it’s almost too much.

“Say something, Oz.” Kylie sits back. “I feel you thinking.” Her blueblue eyes pierce me, demanding my truth.

I hesitate, suck in oxygen and wish it was courage. “I love you, Kylie.”

Holy shit, I said it.

She’s stunned silent. Her eyes fill, waver. A tear falls. She swallows hard. “You—you do?”

I laugh. “Yeah, I do. I have for a while, I think. I’m just now realizing how much.”

“And how much is that?” She’s unabashedly weeping, smiling, clinging to me.

I blink and swallow. “A f**king lot. Like, so much it scares me. Like…if you ever—if we didn’t—shit. Just…it’s scary. I’ve never needed anyone. But now I need you, and it’s makes me feel so—weak. Vulnerable. Like you own a piece of me, and you could just crush it, if you wanted.”

She clutches me, presses our bodies together, my softening c**k starting to slip out of her. “I won’t, Oz. I swear to you, I promise you on my life, on my soul, on everything I am. I’ll never…never hurt you, never leave you.” She pulls away so I can see the truth in her eyes. “I love you, too, Oz. I’ll never want anything or anyone but you. Not ever. I never will.”

“Me, neither, sweetness.” I hold her tight. “Me, neither.”

After a moment, Kylie starts to wiggle, and she slides gingerly off the bike, wincing. “I’m…a little messy now.”

I lean back and dig a spare T-shirt out of the saddlebags. It’s old, and not in the best shape, but it’s clean. I hand it to her, and I watch her clean herself, folding the shirt and then handing it back to me. I stuff it back into the saddlebags, and watch her dress.

When we’re both dressed, we lie on the grass at the side of the road, staring up at the stars, talking. We talk about performing, about songs to cover, about possibly getting a record deal this quickly. We talk about all this, and everything is “we” and “us.” We’re planning a future together. Going on tour, possibly. All sorts of possibilities, and the future we plan is bright and perfect and hopeful.

Sometime past one in the morning, we decide to head back. We stop once for gas, and for a quick bite at McDonald’s. I’m a little tired, so I get a large Coke, and drink it all. We’re back on the road again, and I’m only now realizing how far we really went. We must have driven a good two, two and a half hours outside of Nashville. It’s a longer drive home than it felt on the way out, but it was all worth it. Kylie holds me tightly, rubbing my chest and stomach, nuzzling against me.

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