Jaymeson waved and blew a kiss. His face fell, and then he marched over to the chair. Alec and I followed and watched as Jaymeson, a very whipped Jaymeson, bent down, kissed his wife full on the mouth, and damn-near fondled her in front of everyone before coming back.

“She make you apologize?” I teased.

“Shut it,” Jaymeson snapped. “She would have let me go to a bachelor party.”

“Keep telling yourself that.” Alec slapped him on the back. “Besides it was only supposed to be golf. I mean, how much trouble could we get into?”

Just then, like magic, a storm of screaming girls ran by the spa and plastered themselves against the windows.

“Shit, we need to lock that door,” Jaymeson said, right as I joined in with Alec in saying, “Not it!”

“Hate you guys by the way. Freaking hate you. Why are we even friends?” Jaymeson grumbled making his way toward the door just as more girls ran by the spa. Something must have grabbed their attention because, before Jaymeson could do anything, security started pulling them away from the doors.

And then they opened.

Jaymeson stepped back and laughed.

I, however, said something like, “Shit.” Yeah, or maybe it was worse than that. I may have dropped an F-bomb.

“Don’t look directly at them!” I shouted, running toward Alyssa.

She ignored my plea and chose to stare behind me. Her mouth dropped open.

Defeated, I turned back around and met my new nemesis and his best friend. Nemesis number two.

“Wes Michels.” The guy held out his hand to me and smiled. “And you are?”

“Pissed.” I groaned. “Can’t you at least try to cover your face or something? Remarkable, it’s like staring at the damn sun. Damn it! Damn it!”

Alyssa stepped around me. “Please excuse my fiancé. He’s under a lot of stress.”

“Drugs.” Wes nodded then winked at her.

“Why does everyone think I’m on drugs?” I asked aloud. “Will I ever live that down? Years ago, guys. Years.”

“Anyways, I’m Alyssa.” She stuck out her hand and then tilted her head at the girl next to Wes. “You must be… Kiersten?”

“Yeah.” The pretty redhead looked like a freaking super model come to life. I’d never dug redheads, and honestly, to me Alyssa was a bazillion times prettier, but there was something really bright and welcoming about Kiersten.

“Hey.” I sighed and held out my hand to Wes and then to Kiersten. “I’m Demetri Daniels.”

“Oh.” Kiersten grinned, her face turning red. “I know exactly who you are. I’m obsessed with your music. I swear I had the biggest crush on you when I started listening to music again.”

“Really?” I smirked and took a step forward, only to feel a hand that I could have sworn was wrapped in steel push against my chest.

“Yeah, not happening.” Wes shook his head just as Gabe and his wife came up and made introductions.

Alyssa took another look at Gabe and did a little swoon thing then whispered in my ear. “You. I love you. But he has really pretty hair.”

“Wanna touch it?” Gabe winked.

Saylor, his wife, slapped him across the chest so hard even I winced.

“Dude.” Alec looked between us. “Separated at birth. Imagine that?”

“I’m the brother!” Jaymeson said, stepping in our little circle.

“Ah, so now you claim me.” I punched him in the shoulder. “Only when someone pisses on your property huh, brother?”

“Why are we in a spa?” Gabe asked, changing the subject.

“Contractions,” the entire group said in unison, pointing to Nat.

She grumbled and crossed her arms over her belly. “It’s not my fault!’

“This one…” I pointed to Alec. “…was worried about letting her out of his sight, so we forewent our awesome day golfing—”

Jaymeson groaned.

“—to hang out at…” I nodded and closed my eyes. “…the chick spa.”

“Righteous.” Gabe laughed and nudged Wes. “We should get pedicures.”

“That’s what I said!” Nat all but yelled.

“So, it’s settled.” Saylor stepped forward and looped her arm in Kiersten’s. “The boys get pedicures, and the rest of us girls will bond.”

Like that, they left us. Freaking abandoned us to the wolves and pointed to the evil ladies with tools.

Within minutes, we were all rolling up our jeans and sitting in the chairs of shame. The pedicure chairs.

They were pink.

Mine had flowers.

Gabe pointed it out. Bastard.

His had a freaking tulip, so who was the jackass now!

While waiting for the water to heat up, I played with the massage chair. Really, it was my fault for not paying attention, for underestimating Alyssa in every way. Because the minute I looked up, it was to see her with her iPhone, snapping pictures.

“I’ll kill you for this,” Jaymeson said softly.

“That’s my wife!” I yelled.

“Instagram!” Wes groaned and covered his face.

“Too late!” Alyssa danced in front of us and lifted her phone in the air while the girls cheered from across the spa and lifted their champagne in the air.

“I can’t believe it’s come to this.” Gabe moaned. “Bested by women.”

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