And how much she missed Logan. She didn’t like when he went off on his business trips, but luckily, they were few and far between. She was hoping he would call to let her know he was on his way soon.

“Are you all right?” Elijah asked, his fingers gliding along her upper arm.

“Yeah. You?”

“Never better.”

Sam pushed up onto her elbow and turned to look at Elijah, wanting to see his face when he made an admission such as that one.

“At least not in a very long time,” he added, his eyes hooded.

“Are you thinking about Beth?” she asked.

“I’m always thinking about her,” he said sadly.

“I can’t begin to imagine how you feel, but I’m glad that you can hang on to the memories. I think she would like knowing that you think about her.”

“I talk to her sometimes.”

Sam smiled. “I bet she really likes that.” The sadness she saw in his eyes tore at her heart.

“On our tenth wedding anniversary, I stayed home,” he began, his voice soft. “It was me and a bottle of Jack Daniels. We hung out all night. I went through our wedding album and every picture ever taken of her or both of us. I talked to her that night more than I ever have.”

Sam’s heart constricted. She could picture this strong, confident, handsome man sitting in a dark, empty house on what would’ve been his tenth anniversary with the woman he loved. God, it must’ve been terrible.

“Do you go visit her grave?” Sam asked, keeping her voice as quiet as his had been.

“Not as much as I should. I try to take flowers every few months.”

Sam continued to watch him for a moment. When he finally met her gaze, she said, “The next time you go, I’d like to go with you. If you don’t mind.”

Sam could’ve swore she saw tears form in his golden eyes, but they were quickly gone as he pulled her closer, forcing her on top of him. Rather than answer her, he kissed her. It was sweet and hot and… She was panting before they came up for air.

She pushed up so that she could reach over to the night table where another condom was sitting. She reached for it, but she didn’t move to put it on him. Yet. The entire time, Elijah watched her, his face a mix of emotions. So many, Sam had no clue what he was thinking or feeling.

“Logan told me he wanted to watch us like this,” she whispered, feeling a little daring now that she was straddling him.

“Did he?” Elijah asked, a small smile lighting up his face.

“Yes,” she answered. “He said he wanted to watch while I rode you.”

“Do you wish he was here, Sam?” Elijah asked, somewhat seriously.

“Yes,” she admitted openly. “I do. Last night was incredible. Don’t get me wrong. But I would love for Logan to be here. He completes me. The same way Beth completes you.”

A noise near the door caught Sam’s attention and she turned to see Logan standing there. He had on a black polo and faded jeans and holy shit he looked so good.

“Logan,” Sam whispered, unable to hide her excitement.

“I still want to watch, but right now, I’d prefer to join in,” Logan said, his voice gruff, his eyes sparkling.

He’d heard everything she said.

Sam glanced back at Elijah and she realized he’d asked that question on purpose. He knew that Logan was standing there. And he had known without asking what her answer was.

With that single question, he had made everything right.

Smiling down at Elijah, Sam decided it was time to thank him.


Logan had been standing in the doorway for less than a minute. He’d come into the house and went straight to his bedroom. And when he got to the door, he came to a complete stop. His bed was made; there weren’t any clothes on the floor, which meant one of two things. Either Sam went back to Elijah’s after all, or they’d… They were in the guest bedroom.

His heart actually felt lighter knowing that Sam and Elijah hadn’t been in their bed.

When he had been able to convince his feet to move, Logan had gone toward the guest bedroom and sure enough, the moment he laid eyes on Samantha straddling Elijah’s narrow hips, his blood pressure had ratcheted up a few notches.

But that wasn’t what had nearly done him in. It was Samantha’s admission that had his heart pounding.

Blinking several times to clear his eyes because hell no, he would not fucking cry, Logan focused on the couple across the room.

“Give me a minute,” he told them and made a hasty retreat to his bedroom to grab the bottle of lube that they would certainly need in just a few minutes.

Once he returned, after taking several steps into the room, Logan didn’t try to be quiet. He was here to participate. He’d been hard as steel ever since he received that phone call from Elijah the night before. Just imagining what the two of them had been doing had made him crazy with lust. Sure, there’d been a few other emotions mixed in there too, but after hearing Sam’s truthful admission, his fear had disappeared. Copyright 2016 - 2024