The next thing Sam knew, they were on the bed, both of them still dressed, except for her shoes which she’d lost somewhere along the way.

Elijah was leaning over her, his finger trailing down her cheek as he stared back at her. His eyes penetrated her, as though he were asking that silent question. The one they seemed to have answered a million times but due to the uncertainty, it continued to be asked.

Well, she wasn’t going to let him ask it again. She knew what she wanted. She knew what he wanted. And right here, with Elijah, was where she wanted to be.

“Make love to me,” she said breathlessly. “Make love to me, Eli.”

To help him out, Sam lifted her head and reached behind her neck, untying the halter-top that would free her breasts. Thanks to the fancy construction of the dress, Sam had gone without a bra tonight too. Once the fabric fell free, Elijah took over from there, sliding the silky material out of the way.

His warm palm cupped her breast lovingly and Sam’s breath stuttered in her chest again. When he leaned forward, teasing one nipple with the tip of his tongue, Sam watched him. God, that was hot. It wasn’t long before she couldn’t watch because she couldn’t keep her eyes open.

The sensations were overwhelming and she had to close her eyes as she thrust her chest forward, wanting more, needing all of him.

Elijah’s hands joined in and her dress slowly inched down her body until she was left in only her panties. She could feel Elijah’s eyes as they trailed over her almost like a physical caress, one that made her skin tingle and her nipples harden even more.

She’d felt the penetrating heat of his eyes on her before. Strangely enough, it had been the night when she’d been blindfolded out by the pool. Even unable to see him, she’d felt him. His presence was that powerful.

“You are so beautiful, Samantha.”

Sam wanted to hurry him along, to suggest he get naked so she could study him just as reverently, but it was apparent that Elijah was taking his time.

That was something they would have to work on.


Two weeks ago, Elijah wouldn’t have dreamed that he’d be right here, hovering on the brink before this beautiful, married woman. But here he was and the way his chest had swelled from the moment he laid eyes on Samantha again tonight, he knew he wouldn’t want it any other way.

He’d been so overcome with emotions upon seeing her again that he’d been at a loss for words on the way to the gallery. He hadn’t been able to express what he was feeling, so he’d just kept his mouth shut.

But then she’d asked him questions and he found himself opening up to her.

After talking to Logan, ensuring the man didn’t have a problem with his wife being with another man tonight, because yes, Elijah had given him the brunt of his intentions right away, Elijah had felt himself relax.

Sam, however, had not.

He could only imagine what this was like for her. He knew just how much she loved Logan, how much she wished he was there. And Elijah did as well. Sort of.

Yet he knew he couldn’t take tonight for granted because despite this opportunity, he wasn’t sure he’d get many chances to be alone with her. And yes, he wanted some alone time. That was the selfish part of him that needed to be needed.

His relationship with Beth and James had been similar. Beth gave James the time he needed, but she spent every night in Elijah’s bed. Their bed. And it wasn’t awkward. At least not for him.

Now he was on the other side looking in, and he wasn’t bothered by it. Being this intimate, this emotionally attached to a woman who wasn’t Beth had never factored into the equation, but here he was. Elijah wanted Sam. He wanted her to the depths of his soul. Tonight. Tomorrow night. And many, many nights to follow.

He was partly scared that he’d wake up and this would be a dream. Just like the many nights he dreamed of Beth, talking to her, laughing with her, holding her, kissing her… It all seemed so real and then he’d wake up to a cold, lonely house.

But not tomorrow morning. Tomorrow he would wake up in this woman’s arms. And he’d finally be warm again.

At least while she was with him.

Elijah pushed off of the bed, keeping his gaze fixed on Sam while he removed his clothes. He loved the way she looked at him, the way her eyes glazed as they lingered on every part of himself that he uncovered.

Once he was naked, Elijah reached for Sam, pulling her panties down her long, smooth legs and tossing them into the pile with his clothes. Before he joined her on the bed, he reached for his wallet which he’d placed on the night table.

Before he had the condom out and open, Sam was sitting up, her legs dangling over the side of the bed, on each side of his. She was smiling up at him and her eyes flickered with what looked like mischief. Copyright 2016 - 2024