“Elijah,” she mumbled now. Logan recognized what was most definitely concern in her pretty green eyes.

Forcing her back a little, he slid down into the hot water, his muscles singing with pleasure. Easing his way over to the reclining lounger, Logan pulled Sam with him. Once she was straddling him, he looked up at her.

“Does it bother you?” she asked suddenly.

“What? That you find Elijah attractive?” That was a given. Then again, the man was rather good looking, even in Logan’s very hetero opinion. The guy had class and elegance, all of the things that Sam seemed to find fascinating.

“That and…” She let the sentence trail off.

“That and you want him to join us?” Logan clarified.

“Do you not want that?”

When he started to answer her, Sam stopped him, her fingertips pressing against his lips.

“Listen to me for a minute, please.”

Logan didn’t try to speak, just nodded his head and watched her.

“I’ve been thinking about this for a long time. First, there was Luke and that had been… fun. I guess maybe different is a better word. You and Luke successfully introduced me to the side of myself that I didn’t know existed.”

Logan didn’t interrupt, curious as to where she was going with this.

“And then Tag was there. Neither of them lasted long, and that was so long ago.”

It had been a long time, Logan knew. They’d been refraining from playing like that for a while, mainly because Sam seemed to get attached and Logan hadn’t been interested in something long lasting with either man.

But what Logan had noticed throughout the entire time, neither of them had ever let up on their desire to have a third in their relationship. Which in turn had gotten him thinking. And perhaps Luke, Sierra and Cole were onto something. Not that Logan had any interest in being with a man because… Well, he didn’t. But that didn’t mean that he and Sam couldn’t venture into something that worked for them.

Something more permanent because clearly, what they both sought was going to be life changing, no matter which way they looked at it.

Logan understood Sam’s desire to have only one man involved in their relationship. It meant she was looking for long term, possibly even permanent. Logan had just never looked at it from her perspective before. Actually, he’d never looked much past the sex if he were completely honest. But now… Now he was seeing the possibility turning into something more.

He knew there were some permanent threesomes where the two men weren’t interested in one another. That wasn’t an issue either. But Logan was a selfish bastard when it came to Sam’s love. He wanted her to love him and only him. He didn’t want to share that part of her with anyone.

And by being selfish, Logan was denying Sam. Denying her from finding what she truly needed. That’s when he had started to wonder whether a permanent arrangement was going to be the only way for them to be able to continue to have what they’d found so long ago. What they both desperately wanted again.

“I won’t lie,” Sam told him now. “I like the threesomes. I would like for us to find that again.”

“But you don’t want temporary?” he asked, unable to keep the question to himself.

“No,” she said honestly, her eyes curiously glassy. “If we’re going to do this, I think we need to find something… lasting.”

He didn’t say anything, needing her to clarify.

“I don’t want to have random partners. I don’t want to have to worry about getting attached to someone and them walking away from us. I don’t think you want that either.”

No, he didn’t. Too much risk.

“But I know you don’t want a permanent person in our relationship either.”

“Do you?” Logan wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer to that question.

Sam’s gaze darted away and Logan pulled her chin with his finger, forcing her to look at him. “Tell me, Sam. Tell me exactly what you want.”

“I’m scared,” she admitted and he noticed that the sheen in her eyes was unshed tears.

“About what?” God, Logan felt his stomach twist. Part anticipation, part fear.

“If I’m not mistaken, we get more out of a threesome than we do alone. Not,” she said loudly, halting his argument, “that we have to have a threesome. It’s just… Something we gravitate to. You and I both enjoy it.”

Logan nodded. He didn’t disagree. Although the two of them could burn the house to the ground with the combustible chemistry that arched between them, Logan did want something more. And he knew she craved it as well.

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