Logan knew that Ashleigh was having a difficult pregnancy, but he’d thought the worst was behind them. Apparently, Alex was either lying, or aiming for optimistic. He prayed it was the latter.

“The three of us need to get together for lunch,” Sam told Sierra.

“Now, that’s what this world needs more of. The three of you together.” Logan chuckled as he rose from his seat.

Walking around the table, he handed Hannah back to her mother. “Walk me out?” he asked Sam when his hands were free.

“Of course.” She smiled up at him and he held out his hand to help her up.

When they were in the garage a minute later, Logan backed Sam up against his truck and pressed his body to hers. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll be naked when I get home.”

“Oh, is that right?” Sam asked with a huge grin on her face.

Pressing his mouth to her ear, Logan mumbled softly, “And if you’re a really good girl, you’ll be naked in the hot tub.”

He felt Sam shiver as he nipped her earlobe. God, he loved how responsive she was. Still. Even after all this time, she still responded to him just as she had when they first met.

“I might be able to do that,” she whispered against his ear. “And then you can tell me all the wicked things you want to do to me.”

Logan rumbled, bending his legs and pressing his cock between her thighs, effectively rendering himself useless for the rest of the day. He’d never be able to get his mind off Sam after this and he already knew his golf game was for shit. “You do know the only reason I’m not fucking you right now is because our niece is in the house, don’t you?”

Sam glanced up at him with a grin on her face. “Scared?”

Logan laughed. This woman was going to be the death of him. Planting a quick kiss on her lips, he forced himself to pull back. “Be naked when I get home.”

Chapter Six

“It’s a damn good thing you aren’t a professional golfer,” Luke ribbed Logan as they hopped into the golf cart and headed off toward the hole on the ninth green.

“I haven’t heard anyone calling to sponsor you either,” Logan nagged his twin. It’s what they did, especially when they were on the golf course.

In the cart behind them, Cole and Alex were taking their own sweet time, giving Luke and Logan shit whenever the opportunity arose, which was often.

“I don’t answer the phone when they call,” Luke declared facetiously.


Luke laughed as he pulled the golf cart to a halt. As they climbed out, they both grabbed for a club but before Logan could move away, Luke turned his attention on him.

“Rumor has it you and Sam are having dinner with Elijah Penn.”

Damn, news traveled fast. Then again, Sierra had been at his house when he left that morning, so it wasn’t all that surprising.

“Yeah,” Logan told him. “Problem with that?”

“No,” Luke said bluntly. “The question is do you have a problem with that?”

“If I did, do you think we’d be having dinner?”


Logan knew Luke was just looking out for him. Ever since his brother found his happily ever after, he’d lightened up considerably. It wasn’t that Luke was trying to interfere, Logan knew.

“He’s got a lot of baggage,” Luke said as he stopped on the green.

“I know that,” Logan answered. Yes, Elijah had some baggage, and Logan knew that what he might want from Sam would be more than what Luke or Tag ever wanted, but Logan knew that he was going to have to go on blind faith here. Something told him that this was the right thing to do. Why, he had no fucking clue.

“He still wears his wedding band,” Luke stated as he took a few steps forward and lined up with his ball.

Yes, Logan had noticed that. He also noticed that when Elijah had been with Sam, he hadn’t purposely hidden it from her, but he hadn’t made a point to show her either.

Logan wasn’t sure that Luke was expecting a response, so he didn’t say anything. Waiting for his brother to putt, Logan glanced back behind him to see Cole and Alex making their way over.

They were laughing, but as they walked up, the two of them sobered quickly. Logan hoped like hell that it wasn’t because they were thinking the same thing Luke was.

Logan had given some serious thought to Elijah and what the man would potentially want from Sam – and from him – if they were to pursue this. Despite the nagging voice telling him that this wasn’t going to be temporary and it wasn’t going to be casual, Logan felt the compelling need to see where it went.

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