As far as he was concerned, he was ready to go home with them tonight.

And wasn’t that fucking crazy?


Sam was still a little in shock. And the fact that her equilibrium was slightly askew had more to do with Elijah and the fact that Logan had clearly set up this little introduction. Only he’d intended for them to meet last night.

Nice way to be introduced. Naked, while a man watched her husband give her an explosive orgasm.

Wait. “Question. If you’re so interested, what happened last night? I can only assume that we were supposed to be officially introduced after you stumbled upon us.”

She’d learned a long time ago to always expect the unexpected from Logan. After all, that’s how she’d been introduced to Luke and Tag, respectively.

Elijah looked away briefly. When his eyes met hers again, he looked contrite. “I hope you’ll forgive me for my behavior last night. I panicked.”

“Panicked? Because I was naked?”

Elijah laughed. “Not at all. In fact, I’ve never seen anything hotter.”

Even the memory made her body temperature soar. Taking a sip of her drink, she tried to cool herself somewhat while she waited for him to continue.

“I just got a little lost in my thoughts. That’s all.”

Sam had no idea what that meant, but she didn’t want Elijah to feel as though this were an interrogation so she opted to let it go. For now.

“I take it the two of you have talked a little more than in passing?” She already knew the answer and it absolutely explained Logan’s anticipation about last night.

“We have,” Elijah answered. “Your husband speaks his mind.”

“When I find something I want, I tend to go after it,” Logan admitted. “And when Sam wants something, I pull out all of the stops.”

Sam leaned slightly into Logan who was standing behind her. “I’m not fooled,” Sam told Elijah. “He’s very protective of me. Despite his present excitement, I know this wasn’t a spur of the moment decision.”

“I doubt it was either,” Elijah stated as he glanced behind her to Logan.

Sam couldn’t help but notice the slight hint of an accent, one that had little to do with being in America and more to do with somewhere else entirely. “Where are you from?” she found herself asking curtly.

“I was born and raised in the UK,” he confirmed.

Yep, undeniably a British accent. Or at least what was left of one. “You’ve been in the US for a while, huh?”

“Since I was twenty-three.”

Sam nodded as she tried to decipher just how old that would make him. Since she had nothing else to reference, the math wasn’t going to work out. By the way that Elijah’s golden brown eyes twinkled, she figured he knew what she was aiming for.

She could tell he was older than she was. He was probably older than Logan was, but not by much.

“I’m forty-two.”

Yep, he knew. Sam smiled and she knew she looked incredibly guilty, but Elijah didn’t seem to mind at all.

Before she could question him on a more personal level, Trent Ramsey sidled up to the table, beer in hand and a huge smirk on his face.

“Elijah. Sam. Good to see you,” he greeted.

When the actor didn’t address Logan, Sam glanced over her shoulder and noticed that Logan wasn’t behind her as he had been a minute earlier.

“He said he’d be right back,” Elijah told her.

Sam watched him, trying to figure out how he would’ve heard that if she hadn’t. She didn’t get a chance to ask when Trent addressed Elijah once again.

“If you have a few minutes later this week, I’d like to talk. If not, I’ll catch up with you next week.”

“I’ll be around,” Elijah told him. “Unless something changes, I’ll be here until Thursday.”

Sam wasn’t paying much attention to what the two men were talking about. She was too busy admiring her present company.

God, the man was incredibly handsome. And she wasn’t talking about the pretty boy actor either. Everyone knew Trent Ramsey was a good-looking man, but she was referring to Elijah Penn.

The man was... He was devastatingly attractive; there was no doubt about it. From his short, dark hair, those golden brown eyes that seemed intently focused on her, his dark eyebrows and long, black eyelashes, he was well put together. Sam was just as fascinated by the heavy, dark stubble along his jaw and chin, and the bronze color of his skin that said he spent quite a bit of time outdoors.

But there was something else about Elijah that caught her breath. Almost as though there was a vulnerability that he wasn’t trying all that hard to hide. Sam clearly didn’t know him well enough to know whether she was reading him correctly though. Obviously, Logan must’ve felt comfortable with the man because he’d left her alone with him, so Sam figured for now, she’d go with it. Copyright 2016 - 2024