I sit down, and he stands beside me, gripping the back of my chair. “We may have a problem on our hands, and we may not. I don’t know how it’ll go yet, but I do know that we need to be alert. Indigo did something back on that island that could come back to bite her, and we’re going to be here to protect her.”

I shudder, and wrap my arms around myself. Jess lifts her chair and scoots it over beside me, taking my hand. I’m grateful to her right now.

“Indi, we need you to give us a rundown of what happened and who heard it,” Hendrix says, staring down at me.

I swallow, and turn my eyes away. I haven’t spoken about Kane yet. I haven’t said the words, not even to Hendrix.

I am a murderer.

I close my eyes, and speak as loudly as I can. “He found me because he saw my face all over the news. He saw Eric, used him to get to my motel room. There was a fight, Eric got the gun and shot him in the neck. I told Eric to go get help, and then…”

I shiver, and Hendrix grips my shoulder, squeezing gently.

“Keep goin’ baby.”

“I shot him. I knew I was going to, I knew I had to. I sent Eric away so he wouldn’t witness it. I told him to go and get help, and then I shot him and ran. I saw the officers huddled when I went out of the motel, but they didn’t see me. I ran, and that’s when I found you.”

“Did you leave the gun?” Hendrix asks.


“Chances are they will put it down to self defense if it came down to it, but you running didn’t help. I have outside sources, I will see what I can find out about the case.”

“I’m assuming we now have to deal with Chopper, too?” Drake asks.


I shudder.

The idea of that man just makes me feel ill, and I haven’t even seen him.

Hendrix turns and stares at me, and there’s something in his face…something…is that pity? Why is he looking at me like that?

“Inocencia, we have to talk about that, there’s something you need to know.”

I shake my head, confused. “I thought…you weren’t selling me?”

My entire body coils tightly, and I struggle to breathe. Did he change his mind? Was he only lying to me?

“Hey,” he says, dropping down in front of me. “I’m not selling you, but there is something that concerns you in regards to Chopper.”

“What has Chopper got to do with me?”

He sighs deeply, lifting a hand to rub his forehead. Then he gets to his feet and glances at Drake.

“Cap, what’s going on?”

Hendrix stares at nothing for a moment then turns to me again. “You remember when we were talking before you ran away on the island?”


“And do you remember telling me your father’s name?”

Where is he going with this? Oh God, did Chopper kill my father? I feel my skin prickle as I meet Hendrix’s eyes. “I…yes.”

“Indigo,” he begins. Oh God, he’s using my full name. This is bad, very bad. “Chopper…is your father.”

The entire room breaks out in confused chatter and gasps.

Me, I can’t do anything but gape.

Did he just say Chopper is my father?

He’s wrong. My father isn’t a filthy pirate. He’s a kind, beautiful man who left me. Hendrix has it wrong. He can’t be right. He has the wrong name, or maybe it’s just a coincidence. It can’t be true. I stare down at my hands, and they’re shaking. Why are they shaking? I don’t believe him. He’s wrong. He’s got this all wrong.

“You’re wrong,” I whisper. “My father is gone, he’s not a pirate.”

“Chopper’s real name is Charles Waters, Indigo.”

“It’s a coincidence then,” I bark suddenly, getting to my feet.

“I might say the same, except when I think about it…he’s just like you. Indi, he looks like you.”

My hands shake and my jaw clenches. How dare he? How dare he stand here in a room full of people and tell such rotten lies. If he’s right, he’s saying the father I adored is a raping pig who takes women and sells them. I can’t believe that to be right. I won’t believe it.

“You’re lying!” I scream. “Is this your way of getting back at me for running? Is this your punishment?”

“Indigo,” he says almost gently. “I’m telling you because you deserve to know.”

“You’re wrong!” I roar. “My daddy is a good man. I know him.”


“No,” I hiss, putting my hand up. “You don’t get to do this in a room full of people. If you wanted to make me pay, Hendrix, you’ve done a great job at it.”

“Jesus, Indi, do you honestly think I would be such an ass? I’m not telling you a fucking lie.”

“Then why are you telling me?” I whimper, crumbling. Jess is by my side, rubbing my back, I didn’t even notice until now.

“Because you have the right to know.”

“To know what? That every image of my father has just been shattered?”


“Let me take her,” Jess says softly. “I’ll talk to her.”

Hendrix’s eyes are pleading with me, but I don’t understand. I don’t. He nods, and Jess wraps an arm around my shoulder and turns me around, leading me out into the hall. She walks me slowly to her room, and opens the door, encouraging me in. We sit on her bed, and she turns to me.

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