We talked, made love, and talked some more, for all of those three snowbound days and nights. There were breaks for dinning, one for shopping, and two hours on Sunday afternoon cross country skiing on the melting spring snow. Mostly we talked, spending blissful hours in bed . . . making glorious, wonderful, storybook love. It wasn't long before I reached my decision.

In spite of my unsaid commitment, practical side issues made sporadic appearances. "We don't know each other's likes and dislikes; be honest. In some sense, we've barely met," I said as we explored each other.

"What don't you know?"

"I don't know what kind of jam you like on your toast . . ."


". . . or what brand tooth paste you use . . . "I put my finger to his lips as he started to answer. ". . . or any of the little things that happened to us in the past, the memories that make up a life."

"I don't have a past life. My life started the day I met you."

I rolled my eyes in mock exasperation. "I'm swimming in honey and goo! If I read a line like that in a book, I'd toss it in the trash!"

"It's true. I don't care a lick about the past. I don't care if you were a bank robber, or a street walker, or . . ."

I tried another tack. "I'm not trying to pry. I love you. I know we promised not to discuss past lovers, but I do want to know you. I don't want to rush out and do something we'll both later feel was wrong. I've only known you a little over a month for heaven's sake!"

"I never cheated on Carol and any discussion of past lovers would be more boring than enlightening. That's all. Carol is dead and I want to leave that part of my life behind."

"I never cheated on Doug either, nor do I want to discuss him. I love you and just want to know you better."

"I think both of us feel the same. I want to marry you." It was Saturday afternoon and he said the words as we strolled in town on the way to early dinner.

While I half-expected it, his saying the words made me catch my breath. "Is that a statement or a question?" I asked.

"A question." He smiled. "Should I get down on my knee?"

"Not necessary. You'd get your pants wet in the slush. Do I get a ring?"

"The largest one I can find"

"Watch it, Buster! That would kill it for certain. I want a nice simple ring, and I want it now, before you change your mind."

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