Another insight into this young lady's attitude occurred when Timmy came down with a stomachache and summer cold. He was miserable, unable to keep anything in his stomach. He was running a fever. It was my first blush with nursing and between Karen and me, we did a stellar job. We insisted he remain in bed and plied him with remedies and attention. If Karen asked me once, she asked me a hundred times, what my mother did in a similar situation. Early on, I suggested a visit to the doctor for a prescription, but she reacted strongly against it, saying we should rely on basic, old-fashioned remedies.

We were off to the store for Vicks Vapor Rub to apply to his chest and honey, to serve in hot tea. Toast was buttered and given in tiny pieces until Timmy could keep it down. Throughout the day and a half of his convalescence, nurse Karen hovered by her brother's bedside. Her behavior demonstrated her sympathetic side and just how much she cared for Timmy.

As time went on, Karen became bolder with her questions. She gained confidence that our pact wasn't some sinister trick to suck out secrets she was unwilling to divulge and I was in fact a source for information. A few nights later, she was back in the chair. Timmy, now recovered but milking it, was out with Paul for ice cream. Karen had declined, lately obsessed, unnecessarily, with her waist line and I was shamed into staying home with her. She seemed especially nervous. Karen's question was much more personal.

She seemed to need reaffirmation of our agreement. "You'll answer anything . . . honestly?" Once again I nodded my agreement.

She took a deep breath and asked, "How often do you . . . do it?" I joined her in the love chair.

"Make love? I don't suppose you'd allow me to plead cop out based on the question being too personal?" She looked disappointed but I sensed she expected that answer.

"If you cop out every time I ask a question, I'll never learn anything."

I thought a moment. "Let's compromise. I'll answer, but on a general basis. I don't think your father would appreciate my keeping a tally on his affections."

"Okay, but don't be too general."

I commenced to explain when a couple is first married they make love more frequently and went on to describe this may drop off but remains major part of their lives.

"Some couples never stop. They still enjoy each other into their seventies and beyond. So I'm told. Of course, some men develop problems later in life and they can't . . ."

"Get it up?" Copyright 2016 - 2025