Rory’s hand covered my own mouth as I moaned, unable to contain the explosion of ecstasy inside me. I came long after he’d finished but he kept slowly lifting my hips and bringing me back down, drawing out my orgasm until I was dizzy.

My thighs quivered as I came down, breathing deeply to reorient myself. He licked the tips of my fingers as I withdrew my hand from his mouth and slid off of him and back to my seat.

He shook his head as he zipped up and I smirked at him. I couldn’t help but notice the closer I grew to Rory, the more I got dangerously close to succeeding as a very bad girl.

“Here we are, Mr. Jackson.” Dave’s voice startled us out of our silent stare down, and heat rushed all over my skin.

A loophole threesome had been accomplished and while I tried to convince myself the driver was oblivious; I knew there was no way.

“Thanks, Dave,” Rory said, sliding out of the car behind me.

My legs shook as I walked toward my front door, my muscles still quivering from the orgasm Rory had perfectly orchestrated.

“What’s number eight?” Rory asked as he shut the door behind us.

“Hmm?” I asked, my head buzzing with pleasure.

He chuckled, pushing my wild hair back from my face. “You said we’d check off number eight, too. What was it?”

“Oh,” I said, laughing. “Have sex in a car.”

Wrapping his arms around me, he molded my already pliant body against every hard plane of his. “Can’t wait to finish the list.”

“In a hurry to get it over with?” I teased.

He nipped at my bottom lip. “We’ll make one together once I satisfy yours.”

“Mmm,” I moaned, planting my lips against his. “You are really good at satisfying me.”

“Careful, Red. Keep talking like that, and I’ll spout off another number.”

I went slack in his arms, and he caught me easily. “I want you in my bed, but more in a NetflixandChill sort of way.” I squinted at him. “Is that okay? At least for an hour?” I needed time to recharge. Sex with Rory—no matter how long or how quick—spent every ounce of my energy to the point of turning me into a puddle.

He nuzzled my neck with his nose before sweeping an arm behind my knees. He cradled me to his massive chest and walked toward my bedroom. “We’ve got all the time in the world, Red.”

The truth behind his words caught up in my heart, sending it flying as high as it had when he’d said he loved me. The three-month term didn’t matter anymore. Rory was mine.



Chapter 15






“You aren’t wearing a tie,” Paige said as she stepped onto her front porch, her black pumps clicking against the concrete.

Damn those shoes. There were too many good memories attached to them—like the spike digging into my back as I buried myself between her thighs—and she knew it. The woman was wicked and had worn them to torture me.

“Ties are usually only good for one thing, and I doubt there will be a bedpost for me to secure your wrists to at this event.” I smoothed my hands down the all black tux I wore. “Is it mandatory?” I asked after relishing the flush of her cheeks.

She blinked rapidly before focusing on me. “What? I’m sorry, I was just picturing it.”

I stepped up to her, wrapping one hand around her waist. Her lips were painted a perfect red that I didn’t dare smear; instead I hovered my mouth just above hers. “That can go on our list.”

Her breath hitched enough to make her pert breasts graze against my chest. “Maybe we can make an amendment to mine after the event? If you can manage to track down a tie, that is.” She laughed as she closed my mouth that had dropped open.

I released my hold on her. “Oh, I’ll tear it off someone’s neck if it means you’ll let me strip you bare, tie you up, and use my tongue to make you come until you can’t take it a second more. Can you picture it? Your body quaking from release after release, limp and sated while you relinquish every ounce of control?”

She gasped but the heat in her eyes told me exactly what I already knew—my redhead was up for anything, as long as it was with me. The notion made my chest puff out a little more than usual. Hell, it had almost been in a permanent prideful position since we’d exchanged I love you’s two weeks ago. Something I never expected would happen to me, let alone me be the first one to say it.

“We don’t have to go,” I said, watching the heat fill her eyes the longer I held her to me.

She pushed against my chest, putting enough distance between us to catch the cool breeze of the night air. “We do. Laying low worked, cooling off the heat the press kept putting on us, but now it’s time to remind them of the relationship we have…”

“And you have something to prove,” I finished for her.

“I do not.”

“You’re a terrible liar.” I grinned at her, resolved to take her hand instead of her body.

“Fine,” she said, allowing me to lead her to the car. “If it means maintaining my forward progression in the company and ensuring my funding for the shelter project, then yes, I want to show the world that I’m yours and it’s not the end of the fucking world.”

I stopped our movements, my eyes widening at her quick mood shift. It wasn’t the first time she jumped tracks on me in the last couple weeks, and I wondered if she wasn’t being entirely honest about the pressure hitting her at work. I grinned at her, grabbing a handful of her perfect ass. “God I love it when you say that.”

“Fucking?” She asked, a laugh on her lips.

I trailed one finger down the line of her jaw. “You’re mine.” Her body shifted closer to me, almost as if a magnet tugged on her core. I called on all the willpower I possessed and kissed the back of her hand. “We leave. Now.”

She sucked her teeth, snapping out of it. “Right.”

Twenty minutes later she wove her arm through mine as we entered Mark Chase’s Night For Wounded Warriors event. The rooftop setting marveled that of the Four Season’s gala I’d attended on Paige’s behalf—the memory of that night made me hard just thinking about it. I focused on the view, assuring my dick he’d have his moment with her later. The sun had just set, leaving the sky an inky-blue with hints of stars piercing it. Twinkle lights offered an intimate setting despite the incredibly large space, and waiters casually made their way through the groups of people dressed in their best black-tie attire. Copyright 2016 - 2024