Late evening, he will arrive at Jack Anderson General Hospital to review Mike’s file and when he goes through, he will be sad to know that Mike will be suffering from Brain Tumor and for his surprise its in first stage. He will start the medicine as early as possible. Mike will be still in Coma stage.

Aditya will be worried for Mikes unconsciousness, because only when Mike is in conscious state, medicine will be working for his better health. It will be a week Mike being unconscious, Aditya will never give up, day and night he will be studying Michaels health.

Day after day Mikes health will be worsening, no improvements shown, he will be still unconscious. Aditya will work very hard to retain his health back but he will be failing in every attempt. More than a doctor as a good human being he will do his best to help Mike.

Almost Aditya will spend 72 hours in his lab to find out the right medications for Mike. Alas Aditya will prove true to his profession. He will be successful in finding out the right medicine for Mike. It will be day eleven, Aditya will inject the medicine in Mikes body. This medicine will take 24 hours to renew his body tissues and other parts. Aditya will be eagerly looking forward for his improvement. Copyright 2016 - 2024