"She's now my wife," Aldrec corrected, and his words sent gasps of horror and revulsion rippling through the crowd.

"That's disgusting!" The bald man said. "What kind of elf are you anyway, that you'd want to go for a stinkin' android, instead of one of your own kind?"

"Obviously, I'm the kind of elf that has an open mind, unlike you, or the ones on the city council who voted to evict her family from their home!" Aldrec replied, angrily shaking the parchment their way. "And besides, it's none of your business anyway! Go, and let us move in peace!"

"We know all about the council's decision," the bald man retorted with an accompanying rumble of agreement from the crowd. "But we want a little revenge for the elves hassling us today. We taught 'em a lesson back at the marketplace, but now, thanks to you, there are riots all over the Republic!"

Sounds of shock and disbelief that came from inside the house as the family overheard the man's remarks.

"You're lying!" Aldrec pointed accusingly towards the bald man. "The issue isn't even a human one, so why would you even be interested? And since when do humans care for elves' petty insults? You're making us angry. So leave now, or you'll be sorry."

"We'll be sorry?" The bald man guffawed, with several other snickers from the crowd. "We'll be sorry? Elf, I don't think you have a good idea of who's got who!"

"No, quite the contrary," Aldrec said, completely fearless, his expression darkening. "I think it is you who are mistaken about me."

Skori waited for no cue as he shoved the elf aside and stepped out in front of him, cannon ejecting from his arm as he raised it towards the crowd. A shrill, ear-splitting screech penetrated the air, and the mob grabbed their ears in pain. The subsequent flash of light was near blinding as compressed ions tore through the stunned crowd. Pieces of charred concrete, singed grass, ashen dirt, and chunks of asphalt were sent flying into the air, as well as the bodies of humans who stood upon it. All rained to the ground heavily, and very much dead.

Someone screamed.

Skori held his ground, arm extended, daring them to come closer, but his act had an effect opposite of his intent.

It happened so fast that at first Aldrec was taken completely off guard. And this nearly cost him his life, as the crowd released a terrifying cry, and began to lay into them.

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