"Yes, but I want details!" Alaema whined, turning back towards her sister. "What did you do? What happened between you two? Anything juicy?"

"By the maker, sister!" Mericlou said. She tried to sound exasperated, but had to stifle an explosive laugh. "He's tall, has blonde hair, blue eyes, and wears a lot of white: your typical elf, except maybe he's taller than most! And why is it that you think every man wants to take advantage of me, or something?"

"I knew it!" Alaema said in a soft, victorious whisper; her smile widened.

"Knew what?"

"That he did do something," Alaema said, standing back upright and holding one hand to her flaring hips. "If not, then why are you being so … coy?"

"We only had a drink together!" Mericlou said, marveling at her sister's unusual persistence. "Nothing else happened! I swear!"

Either Alaema figured that what her sister had said was sufficient, or just gave up, but either way Mericlou was grateful when she heard her sigh of resignation. "Poor little Meri," she said in a voice that was actually compassionate. "You will never find a man, will you?"

"I'm not exactly looking right now," she replied coldly. "And so far, most humans that I've met are somewhat less than humane."

"Yes, but you're the only one in this household that can actually have children," Alaema said, sounding almost caring. "And I want some kids running around the place, calling me 'Auntie Alaema' someday."

"Anyway …" Mericlou drawled, ignoring her sister's absurd remark. She shifted her attention back towards her brothers. "Skori, since I'm off tomorrow, you and Sedriil will have to double up on your work. But midweek isn't usually busy, so I'm sure that you won't have any problems."

"Did you get the scheduled jobs finished, Meri?" Skori asked, briefly opening his eyes.

"Yes, brother, I did. And I got this week's shipment of materials for Alaema's memory buffers. "She briefly eyed her sister and then started off to her room. "Sedriil, you need to make one tonight, and … please, install it in her … whether she needs it or not."

"You're retiring early?" Skori asked.

"Yes. Today was kind of stressful. I think it'd be best to refresh myself sooner than usual."

"Goodnight, then, sister," Skori said as Mericlou disappeared down the hallway.


"Sister?" A voice said, rousing Mericlou from her sleep mode.

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