"I dreamed that this would happen," Mericlou said to Aldrec in a quiet voice. "Did you know that, love?" She turned to face her husband, desiring to see the pleasantly surprised look on his face as he digested this.

"Is that so?" Aldrec smiled, vindicated, but not spitefully so. "You see? I told you that you'd be able to dream sooner or later. How long ago was it?"

"Around three months ago," Mericlou replied. "On that night we first kissed, I believe."

"Well, I'm flattered to see that our kiss had that kind of an effect on you," Aldrec said with a pleasant laugh. "Maybe I should've done it back when we had that little conversation on the subject, yes?"

"No, it was before our first kiss, on that same night of the party that Noroa threw for my birthday." Mericlou explained. "I fell asleep in my room later on; it was back when I was trying to clarify my feelings for you. It was … one of … well … those kinds of dreams … if you know what I mean." She inclined her head slightly. Even now, thinking back to that dream still made her want to laugh.

"Really?" Aldrec said, sounding neither shocked nor nonplussed by her confession. "Well, it's very interesting that you dreamt about me, Tulyr. And I can't say that I'm not flattered. It does surprise me, however, that it would be … well … that kind of a dream, but in another sense, it doesn't."

"It doesn't?" Mericlou asked. "How?"

"It was after our discussion that day," Aldrec said. "I had a sort of theory that intense emotion would probably divert your mind enough in order for it to start working subconsciously, but I never expected it to be emotion of … well … that kind of intensity."

"I've had other dreams afterwards," Mericlou added, stifling a laugh at the delicate way Aldrec had treaded upon the subject. "They weren't like the first one -thank the maker, but they were all interesting, though I tend to forget most of them.

"That happens to most people," Aldrec said. "Humans, especially."

"So I've heard. And then there were some that were just downright silly."

"Can you remember some of the silly ones?" Aldrec asked in pleasant curiosity.

"Mericlou stifled a giggle. "Well, one does stand out in my mind, come to think of it. It goes like this: I was looking outside my house down the street, when I saw a man who was running down the sidewalk, screaming, as if something was chasing him. A moment later, I saw what it was." "What was it?"

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