The world exploded. Storms raged around me in both the celestial realm and the tangible. I made the Earth quake and tremble, as though trying to shake some sense into it. I bent the winds to my will, forcing them to twist and curve and spiral. Forcing them to do my bidding.


Then I saw everything. I saw the Diviners arming themselves and running for the gate, trying to close it before the cavalry arrived. I saw others barricading themselves inside the main building. I saw people running and stumbling, trying to get away from the tornado. From my tornado.


I ripped the gate from its hinges. Tore the doors off the main building. Threw men into trees and onto roofs.


Then I turned back to the barn. I lay Shawn gently on the ground and knelt beside my husband. His eyes were open and he seemed to be looking at me with something akin to admiration.


I knelt beside him and punched him as hard as I could. Not really. But Hard.


“You didn’t die.”


“God,” he said by way of an explanation. When I rolled my eyes, he added. “You’re so gullible.”


I did a full-body scan. My sweater was a goner, but I was still alive and kicking. “I’m alive!” I said, raising my arms in victory. Then I looked back at Reyes. “Your turn.”


“Not just yet. Remember, this has to look good.”


I gave him a once-over. “It looks good. A little too good. As in, they may wonder why you’re still breathing. Please, Reyes.”


“Dutch, I’m fine. Promise.”


Finally able to touch him, I put my hands on his face. “Why did you let them do this to you?”


“I told you —”


“I don’t believe you.” I set my chin and glared, but only a little. “I think you wanted to be punished. For some idiotic reason, I think you wanted them to do this. And worse.”


His smile held more sadness than humor. “So, was the plan to run and stumble and get shot in the back or to call out your inner tornado? Either way, I’m impressed.”


“Do you remember what they did to you?” I asked, ignoring him. “As a baby?” The very thought broke my heart. “Please tell me you’re not lying.”


“Have I ever lied to you?”


I closed my eyes in a pathetic attempt to block out the truth. He did remember. At some point over the last few weeks, probably when he learned his godly name, he became like me. He remembered everything.


He raised up until his mouth was at my ear and whispered, “Don’t.” Then he moved his mouth to my other ear. “Don’t you dare.”


I filled my lungs and helped him to a sitting position. “So, yeah, the tornado thing was kind of plan B. If the cops know there has been a crime committed, they don’t have to wait for paperwork and the likes, right? They can just come in? Because the gate is kind of nonexistent at this point, so nothing but Johnny Law stopping them.”


“Far as I know.”


Angel popped back in. “There’re here.”


I nodded and brushed my mouth across Reyes’s.


Then I stood and ran to the opening of the barn.


People were running from one building to another, carrying weapons and supplies. One guy fell out of a tree with a loud thud. My bad. And in the distance, lights flashed as cars sped toward us.


The Diviners scattered like cockroaches as official vehicles stormed in one after another. And someone invited the National Guard. Those guys were always trouble.


Most of the parishioners ran for the main building, which would lead to a similar situation. Despite the fact that I’d ripped off the doors, crazy people were still barricading themselves inside. Those things never ended well.


Cruisers and official SUVs skidded to a halt inside the compound, stirring up enough dust to give all the members time to run and hide. The officers opened their vehicle doors and took cover behind them, aiming their guns.


An ambulance waited in the wings.


“Well, crap,” I said to Angel. “I’m all better. I don’t have a scratch on me.”


“But your clothes look messed up. Bad.” Angel gave me a thumbs-up, then disappeared into the melee.


I ran back to my husband. “Reyes —”


“Behind you,” he said softly.


Only this time, instead of getting bludgeoned, I shifted as the butt of a rifle slammed toward me. The man, the beefy one, almost fell forward when it passed clean through.


I stood and faced him, ignoring the confused expression on his face. “That is enough.”


When he went to hit me again, Reyes was there. He hadn’t dematerialized. He’d broken the ropes, as he could have done hours ago, walked behind the man, grabbed his jaw and the back of his head, and twisted.


A crack proved that he’d broken the man’s neck. I’d tried to warn them. He crumpled to the floor. Then another crack, only from gunfire, echoed around us, and another, but not from any of the guns outside. These were coming from inside the main building. But they weren’t firing at the cops outside. They were firing inside.


“Oh, my God, Reyes. They’re killing them!”


I ran forward before Reyes could stop me and sprinted across the compound, yelling to Uncle Bob. “They’re killing them! Uncle Bob, hurry!”


To the surprise of the other officers, Uncle Bob scrambled from behind a cruiser and followed me, as did Garrett, who’d apparently tagged along. I slammed against a bookcase blocking the entrance, but Reyes was right behind me. He pushed me back into Uncle Bob’s arms and said, “Hold her.”


With one solid thrust, he broke down the barricade and dove into the darkness inside. Two more shots sounded as I struggled against Ubie. Then nothing.


I pushed out of Uncle Bob’s arms and rushed inside, but Garrett hurried past me to lead the way, flashlight on, pistol at the ready. Copyright 2016 - 2024