'Doing what, Professor?'

'Penetrating their combined cognitive processes, Crispin.'

'We've been trying to do that for years, Professor. My cousin, Peter, and I have spent days trying to screw the guardians and have never succeeded.'

'That's because you don't have the access codes.'

Tom handed the microchip to Crispin.

'They are stored on this. I'm told that it's no different from those that are sold in the shops and dates from before The Fall. We've got something similar in my old realm. We call it a USB.'

Crispin could hardly believe that the guardians were so sloppy. At the very least, they could have designed a chip that couldn't be plugged into an ordinary computer. He inserted it into the one he used for his marine science research and a standard display appeared on the screen.

'Go to Action Stations and follow the leads to Blue Alert.'

'What's that, Professor?'

'You'll see.'

The screen looked familiar.

'You've probably seen something like this before.'

'I certainly have.' Crispin peered at the screen. 'It is just like the patriotic games the guardians distribute to the schools. All schools have them. We are told they are very popular, particularly amongst the boys.'

'Top players are allowed to wear blue gowns when competing?'

'That's right, Professor. They are pretending to be guardians saving the world from evil. They get points for winning and these are recorded on their tablets in the form of blue stars. A high score gains them a free place at university.'

'It also identifies them as candidates for higher duties.'

'Higher duties?'

'You don't know what these might be?'

'No. Professor.

'Nor do the players, Crispin. They don't find out until they have entered a special clinic and received a brain implant. By then it is too late. Their life as a surrogate has begun. Some like it. Those that don't meet with accidents.'

Crispin was visibly shocked.

Tom raised a calming hand.

'Don't worry. No one will know you are playing. I've set it up so you can sneak in, kill a few trolls, and sneak back out again.'

'You mean ... I'll be playing for real?'

'You will be deputising for a guardian whose mind is on other things. I assume you have a baton of command.'

Crispin produced one.

'The games the kids play are based on the same protocols that the guardians use to marshal their forces. You will notice that the icons are the same or similar. This is something you will need to explain to the commander of Plaid Koerno when you meet him.'

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