Questions were asked by guardians present in the flesh and those confined to jars. Finally, the chancellor announced that the time had come to vote on a proposal that a task force be appointed to develop a plan for the invasion of the Seventh Realm.

A simple Yes/No answer was required. Tom voted Yes and saw the motion carried 4942 For and None Against. There were 47 abstentions. He wondered if the abstentions were by guardians whose minds were occupied by the exploits of their surrogates and had failed to set their default vote to Yes.

The time had come to party. Having fun was an essential part of palace life and being confined to a jar didn't stop the older guardians from participating. The chancellor noted that their newest guardian was well qualified to play a leading role in the evening's entertainment.

'Professor Carter held a senior post in his nation's armed forces,' he announced grandly. 'He served in a variety of combat zones and would have achieved high rank had he not been forced out by jealousy within the officer corps.'

Tom preferred that explanation for his sudden and unplanned exit from the British Army. It sounded far better than saying he was turfed out for a serious breach of military discipline.

'Baqsheal ... Baqsheal ...'

The cry went out around the table.

'Professor.' The chancellor beamed at Tom. 'Your fellow guardians have challenged you to a game of baqsheal. Do you accept?'

Tom rose from his chair.

'The game is new to me, my lord.'

'It is a gladiatorial contest, Professor.'

Tom felt a twinge of alarm.

'My fellow guardians surely do not expect me to fight.'

'Only figuratively, Professor. Surrogates do the fighting and you have a range to chose from. The rules are simple and will become apparent when we retire to the arena.'

'I have one request, my lord.'

'What is that?'

'I want Balduur as my 2IC.'

'Your what, Professor?'

'My second-in-command. I can confirm that he was called Balduur the Great in his former realm. He was a renowned warrior and greatly respected by his people.'


The arena was similar to the Roman Coliseum but oval rather than round. The guardians occupied padded seats on one side and the palace trolls sat on stone benches on the other. The area in the middle was covered in neatly raked sand and separated from the spectators by a high wall that sloped inwards. Death trolls with ray guns stood guard at intervals along the top.

Tom and Balduur were allocated a cubicle in the guardians' enclosure. The chancellor informed them that they would be playing against senior guardians who would be controlling their surrogates from the comfort of their jars. Copyright 2016 - 2024