Tom pulled out his tablet and consulted the weather maps. The sky was crystal clear overhead and not much different to the north in what would be called Wales if he was still in his old realm. There was deep snow in the mountains and a fine sprinkling had fallen in Elm Grove, which was in roughly the same place as Cardiff.

Tomorrow, Plaid Koerno would attack Elm Grove West Correctional Centre and try to release the prisoners. As a member of the chancellor's special task force, he had examined the defences and they were formidable. A force with old-fashioned weapons had little chance against a force with ray guns. Left to themselves, the resistance fighters would die in a blaze of fire.

Everything depended on the support Crispin could provide and that was beginning to look shaky. Their plans were falling apart. Things were happening behind their backs. The latest piece of skulduggery was the betrothal of Balduur and the queen.

Tom used his tablet to summon his pod. Earlier, he had contacted the royal apartments saying he wished to drop round and congratulate the happy couple. Balduur issued an immediate invitation.

The pod arrived with a palace troll. Tom wished he could do without the miserable, simpering creatures. There was no need for them. Pods drove themselves. All you had to do was get in and tell the pod where to go.

The pod opened and the troll bowed.

'Your Excellency desires my service.'

Tom got in and sat down.

'Take me to the queen's chambers.'

The troll bowed and conveyed the message to the pod.

'His Excellency wishes to be taken to Her Majesty's apartments.'

The pod closed and took off. Other pods were buzzing around. Collisions were avoided by the palace's central command system which monitored everything. It was meant to provide security. Tom imagined the chaos that would follow if the system failed. He had visions of frantic guardians waving their batons of command and hysterical palace trolls screaming instructions at mindless machines as they crashed into one another.

The pod avoided hitting anything and deposited him on the steps of the royal apartments. Balduur was waiting there, dressed in a magnificent gown and smelling of musk. His beard was neatly trimmed and he wore a stylish wig. He raised a hand in the salute used by warlords in his former realm.

'Welcome, Thomas.'

Tom returned the salute.

'Where did you get my name from, Balduur?'

'You told me, Thomas. Don't you remember ... when I pulled you from the water? The princess called you Professor but I prefer your real name.' Copyright 2016 - 2024