'Your father has graciously agreed to a divorce.'

Crispin could scarcely believe his ears.

'Your gracious mother is free to marry again.'

He stared back in stunned silence.

'She and His Excellency, Balduur the Great, are betrothed.'

That was utterly ridiculous. His mother was scarcely the romantic sort. The idea of her remarrying was hard enough to take. It was even more ridiculous to think she would marry a smelly little man from a primitive warrior society. Crispin wondered if the chancellor had got the wrong person.

'You mean Balduur the head hunter?'

'Oh. Crispin. Such language.'

'But he collects heads.'

'Crispin. We are talking of funeral rites.'

'I thought it was the exact opposite. Balduur says his people preserve them so they won't decay. That doesn't sound much like a funeral rite to me.'

'You are being culturally judgemental, Crispin.' The chancellor puffed out his chest. 'That sort of language won't go down well in the Seventh Realm. We don't want you to get off to a bad start.'

'Bad start?'

'You will be accompanying your gracious mother and her new husband to the Seventh Realm as a member of their extended royal family. Your position will be similar to the one you enjoy here. Your mother will remain Dowager Queen and His Excellency will have the title King of Kings ... it's all been decided.'


Tom was stunned by the news and more than a little peeved. It was late evening and he was out at sea in the research vessel with Crispin. No one else was on board. Crispin had briefed him on his meeting with Bryn and they were considering the other piece of information.

'I should have been informed as a member of the special task force,' Tom fumed. 'I shouldn't have heard it second hand.'

'You should have been informed as a guardian,' Crispin pointed out. 'Something as important as my mother's betrothal should have been put to the vote.'

'Dead right!'

'Are you sure you weren't missed out, Professor?'

'Totally sure.' Tom checked his tablet. 'Everything is done through Big Brain and there hasn't been the slightest whisper of it.'

'So what's going on?'

'Father spoke about friends in unlikely places.'

You mean we could have allies amongst the guardians?'

'Maybe,' Tom shrugged. 'But don't count on it.'

'We can't be sure?'


'So what do we do?'

'Stick to basics, Crispin, and stick to the task in hand. You made contact with Plaid Koerno through Liala's boyfriend, Bryn. You said you liked him and you think you can trust him.'

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